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Kliment Naumov

时间:2025-03-07 16:24来源:未知 作者:admin 点击:
Dr. Kliment Naumov is an assistant professor in the scientific areas of Gastronomy and Tourism since November 2020. He is the Head of the Gastronomy and Hotel-restaurant management Departments at the Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality-Ohrid

Dr. Kliment Naumov is an assistant professor in the scientific areas of Gastronomy and Tourism since November 2020. He is the Head of the Gastronomy and Hotel-restaurant management Departments at the Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality-Ohrid, University St. Kliment Ohridski-Bitola, N. Macedonia. He has been working at UKLO since he graduated from the Department of Tourism in 2007. He holds a PhD in Tourism and Hospitality science.

His research interests are mainly concentrated on gastronomy, tour guiding and heritage interpretation, cultural valorisation in tourism, intercultural competence and communication. Dr. Kliment Naumov teaches the following subjects: Culinary Basics, Food and Beverage Serving Techniques, National Cuisine, Bakery and Confectionery, Bar and Bar Operations and Catering Management.

He has participated in various projects as a research assistant, researcher, and project coordinator. Naumov has completed 3 Erasmus+ mobilities in France in the field of gastronomy in 2020, 2022 and 2025.

He has completed 1 Erasmus + mobility in Ireland at the Atlantic Technological University in Galway.

In 2023 he completed 1 mobility to Burgenland University in Eisenstadt, Austria for the project: “Blend Learning”.

In 2024 he completed a CEEPUS mobility for the initiation of the “Tourism and agriculture sustainable alliances (TASA)” at the Faculty of tourism management in Kotor, Montenegro.

He has taken part in DAAD summer schools related to academic writing.

He is currently involved as an expert in the project: Sustainability in Culinary Practices: Tradition and Innovation towards Sustainable Future, with acronym SCOOK, in cooperation with the Atlantic Technological University from Galway, Ireland; Lycée Jesse de Forest-France, Mediterraneo Culinary Centre-Spain and Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality-Ohrid.

He has hosted a Mobility pilot project in cooperation with LPO Jesse de Forest from Avesnes sur Helpe, France: 14 day culinary discovery of Macedonia, a mobility program for students and teaching staff to discover the Macedonian cuisine.

Dr. Kliment Naumov has participated at numerous conferences with scientific papers from the sphere of Gastronomy and Tourism.

Professor Naumov is fluent in English, Dutch, French and Serbian. He has basic knowledge of Albanian language.

A complete list of publications by Dr. Kliment Naumov can be found here:



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