Current Position: Co-author and Consulant

Aleksandra Martinovic Background

Prof. Aleksandra Martinovic, besides holding two PhD degrees (from University of Belgrade and Norwegian University of Life Sciences) in the areas of food biotechnology- molecular microbiology, has also been engaged in conduction of international programs and being involved in the issues concerning molecular food microbiology and food quality and safety. In August 2004 she has been elected as a Global Partner Affiliate Faculty for the Arizona State University -Cintana Alliance. She is also engaged as the guest lecturer at the Wroclaw University of Life And Environmental Sciences, Poland. She worked as a Project Coordinator in various national and international projects and has a significant expert and research experience. She is currently working at the position of the Director of Centre of Excellence for food safety risk assessment and the Dean of the Faculty of Food Technology, Food safety and Ecology. She is a Project Leader of the first national dietary survey in Montenegro for adult and children population according to the EU Menu methodology, financed by European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). She has been conducting research in various institutions in Denmark, Norway, Ireland, USA. During her continuous professional engagement as an expert of Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (UN FAO), she is involved in the issues concerning development of the food safety guidelines for the producers and authorities, nutrition, training of the producers in food safety and development of the food quality standards for traditional food products. She is a Member of the Working Group for the negotiations of Montenegro with EU for the Chapter 12- Food Safety, Veterinary and Phytosanitary policy, Chair of the Special Interest Group (SIG) Global Harmonization and of Task Team (TT) Scientific Committees at the European Federation of Food Science and Technology ( She is GHI Ambassador for Montenegro ( t), Member of the Federation of European Microbiologists and Member of the Montenegrin Microbiological Society.

Claude Caldwell

By formal training, I am a physiological ecologist and plant biophysicist. However, I have been active in agriculture since 1980, when I started as a research scientist with Agriculture Canada in Lacombe, Alberta. I have particular expertise in cropping systems, new crop development and agroecology. I have 40 years of experience in cereal and oilseed agronomy in crops that range from bread wheat to hemp and have published extensively (100 peer reviewed publications). I continue to work on research and agricultural policy for diversified, sustainable agriculture. I have been active in international development work since 1995 and have worked in 11 different developing countries over the past 28 years I have taught and/or developed undergraduate and graduate curriculum in co-operation with universities in Jamaica, Trinidad, The Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam, The Gambia, Tanzania, Cambodia, Ethiopia, Uganda and China. I continue to be active in teaching and research with several international colleagues, especially in China. I presently served on the Board of Directors of CAPI (the Canadian Agrifood Policy Institute) and 4-H Nova Scotia.

Shannon S.S. Herzfeld

Nearly 20 years of senior executive experience (American private sector) in global agriculture; more than 40 years of experience in international trade and its regulation. Recognized expert in the creation and administration of public policy in the agriculture and food sector.

Jalal Naser

Jalal Naser is an experienced professional specializing in water resources, food security, and climate resilience. With a strong academic background in water engineering and water diplomacy and practical expertise, he has contributed to innovative solutions addressing water scarcity and sustainable agricultural practices in Afghanistan. My work focuses on integrating climate adaptation strategies to mitigate the impacts of climate change on food systems in developing countries specifically, Afghanistan. I have collaborated with international organizations and research institutions to implement projects promoting efficient water use and ensuring food security. I am passionate about leveraging data and technology to drive sustainable development in water and food sectors. My research and fieldwork emphasize community-driven approaches to build resilience in vulnerable regions. I remains committed to advancing global efforts toward achieving climate-smart solutions for a sustainable future.

Ali Yassoralipour

Dr. Ali Yassoralipour earned his PhD in Food Technology from Universiti Putra Malaysia in 2012. He furthered his academic journey by undertaking post-doctoral research at the National University of Malaysia, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. Currently, he serves as an Assistant Professor and Head of the Department of Agricultural and Food Science at Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR) in Malaysia. With over 30 published articles and conference proceedings in reputable journals and conferences, his research has had a significant impact on innovative packaging methods, inspiring scholars both nationally and globally. With nearly a decade of experience in agricultural and food science, Dr. Yassoralipour brings a multicultural, dynamic, and interdisciplinary approach to teaching, research, and management. He has expertise in various agricultural and food systems-related subjects, curriculum development, program management, publications, grants, and student supervision. Dr. Yassoralipour's dedication is evident through his contributions to student development, organizational enhancement, and societal betterment.

Muhammad Farooq

Prof. Muhammad Farooq is a distinguished academician currently serving as Professor and Head of the Department of Plant Sciences at Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat, Oman. He also holds concurrent positions as an Adjunct Professor at the University of Western Australia (since 2011) and Dankook University, South Korea (since 2013), contributing to global research collaborations. His work focuses on developing resilient and sustainable food production systems, aligning with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to address global food security challenges.

Raghad S. Mouhamad

I am a professor at the Iraqi Scientific Research Authority, specializing in plant biology and biotechnology. Over the past years, I have contributed to various research projects, including studying the genetic mechanisms of environmental adaptation and the impacts of climate change on plant survival, particularly in Middle Eastern ecosystems. My research focuses on simulating wheat productivity in Iraq for future scenarios in marginal soils. I possess extensive experience in experimental research, employing advanced techniques such as simulating microgravity and space farming. My work also includes analyzing unidentified vitamin forms in mushrooms and applying molecular methods to explore soil microbial diversity and the mechanisms of microplastic degradation. Beyond my research contributions, I actively participate in international scientific collaborations and was recently invited to author a chapter in the forthcoming book "Revolutionizing Microbial Technology: AI" to be published by Elsevier. These experiences have enabled me to develop a comprehensive understanding of multidisciplinary approaches to tackling global challenges, making my expertise highly relevant to advancing research and innovation.Currently, I am working on soil sustainability initiatives as part of the SoilBon team, dedicated to enhancing the sustainable management of natural resources and ensuring soil health for future generations.

Shoba Suri

I am a PhD (Nutrition Physiology) with 30 years of experience in community and clinical research. She has worked on nutrition, healthcare, infant and young child feeding, policy advocacy and assessment. I am a trained Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF) counselling specialist with more than 50 research publications in scientific journals and books. I have travelled widely during my research work.

Sri Fatimah

Lecturer on subjects related to development communication, community development, sociology of agribusiness. Deliver research result and knowledge exchange at international and national academic events on broad agriculture issues including food issues through seminar as invited speakers, presenter and special talks. Conducting Community services on rural economic social development in economic and social affairs such as rural SMSE development, rural waste treatment, health and mental mentorship, rural economic transformation, food making and packaging. Team proposers and implementator of Graduate Program on Food Security and Sovereignty at University of Padjadjaran

Theingi Myint

Dr.Theingi Myint is an Agricultural Economist working in the field of rural development especially agricultural marketing, project planning and management and socioeconomic impact assessment. She has a Ph.D in Agricultural Economics within the Sandwich Program of Justus Liegburg University, Giessen, Germany and Yezin Agricultural University. For her Ph.D., her research was “Myanmar Rice Market: Market Integration and Price Causality”. She started her career in Yezin Agricultural University since 1992. She has more than 33 years of work experiences in university and rural development projects with some International Organizations such as ICRISAT, SEARCA, IRRI, CSEAS-Kyoto University, ACIAR, FAO, World Bank, ADB, ERIA, IDE-Jetro, HELVETAS, JICA, KOICA and ICMOD. She has gained research experiences in agricultural marketing, socioeconomic impact assessment, sustainable livelihood development, sustainable agricultural development, labor migration, and gender. She has done as a Coordinator of ACIAR Project: “Strengthening Institutional Capacity, Extension Services and Rural Livelihoods in the Central Dry Zone and Ayeyarwady Delta Regions of Myanmar” and "Increasing Productivity of Legume-based Farming Systems in the Central Dry Zone of Myanmar” from 2014 up to 2017. At the meantime, she is working as Professor and Head of Department of Agricultural Economics, Yezin Agricultural University, Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar. She is currently working the research on household food systems, food waste management, food security and perceptions of consumers, consumption patterns, food system transformation in Myanmar after the getting COVID 19 shocks since 2019 onward. During 2023- 2026, she works the “Spring Outlook Program of ICIMOD as an external expert for co-lead author for the Spring Management in HKH region report.

François PYTHOUD

Former Ambassador and Permament Representative of Switzerland to FAO, WFP, IFAD Chairman Swiss Academy of Taste François Pythoud is a recognized expert in biological sciences and international food and agricultural policies. Holding a PhD in Natural Sciences from the University of Fribourg, Switzerland, he has extensive experience in sustainable food, agriculture, biodiversity, and biotechnology policies Since 2022, he has been an independent advisor and CEO of PAD Conseil, as well as Chairman of the Swiss Academy of Taste. He has held key positions in the Swiss administration, notably as Ambassador to the UN agencies in Rome (FAO, WFP, IDAF) (2015-2019). Before that, he led the International Sustainable Agriculture Division at the Federal Office for Agriculture (FOAG) and held various roles related to biotechnology and environmental policy at the Federal Office of Environment. Mr. Pythoud has played an active role in numerous international bodies, serving as Chair of the FAO Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (2019-2021) and the FAO Committee on Agriculture (2016-2018). He was also a member of the FAO Programme Committee and Vice-Chair of several committees and protocols related to biodiversity and biotechnology (OECD, Cartagena Protocol and Convention on Biodiversity, International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources). His expertise has been instrumental in shaping global policy frameworks, including the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework under the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), the recommendations of the Committee on World Food Security, the United Nations 2030 Agenda (Sustainable Development Goal 2), the Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit-Sharing (2010) and the Cartagena Protoxol on Biosafety (2000). He also contributed to the FAO Global Plan of Action on Biodiversity and numerous biosafety and genetic resource protection standards in OECD and different UN organisations. He holds a PhD in Natural Sciences (1985) and a Master’s degree in Plant Biology (1980) from the University of Fribourg. He works as Research Associate at the University of Washington, Seattle USA (1986-1987) and at the Friedrich Miescher Institute in Basel, Switzerland (1988-1989) With over 35 years of experience in environmental and agricultural governance, François Pythoud is a key figure in promoting an holistic approach to sustainable food and agriculture at the international level.

Rudra Bahadur Shrestha

Dr. Rudra Bahadur Shrestha is a highly regarded professional with over 25 years of extensive experience in agriculture, food and nutrition security, climate change, hunger and malnutrition, policy analysis, and strategic partnerships. He currently serves as the Senior Director for Winrock International Nepal’s agriculture project. Dr. Shrestha has previously held prominent positions, including Policy Head at the South Asia Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) Agriculture Center and Senior Agricultural Economist with the Government of Nepal, where he worked for more than two decades. Dr. Shrestha holds a PhD in Agricultural Economics and is an esteemed Visiting Professor at several universities in Nepal, Vietnam, Bangladesh, and Brazil, specializing in agricultural economics, food security, trade and competitiveness, and project management. Recognized for his expertise, Dr. Shrestha has been invited as a keynote speaker, chaired technical sessions, and presented papers at numerous international forums. He has cultivated a strong network with leading global development organizations, including the World Bank, Asian Development Bank, UNDP, FAO, IFAD, WFP, and SDC, as well as research institutions, the private sector, and civil society. Throughout his distinguished career, Dr. Shrestha has contributed extensively to research, publishing numerous books, policy briefs, book chapters, and peer-reviewed journal articles.

Shavkat Hasanov

Shavkat Hasanov graduated from the Samarkand Agricultural Institute in 1996. In 2006, on 08.00.04, he received the scientific degree of candidate of economic sciences in the specialty "Agricultural economics," and in 2011, he received the academic title of associate professor. In 2018, he received the degree of Doctor of Economic Sciences, and in 2022, he received the academic title of professor. Also, in the last 3 years, he has increased his knowledge and experience at prestigious universities in countries such as Germany, Japan, South Korea, Latvia, Kyrgyzstan, and Poland. Shavkat Hasanov began his scientific and pedagogical activity as an assistant at Samarkand Agricultural Institute's Department of “Agricultural Economics and Management”, then as an associate professor of the same department, Dean of the Faculty of “Economics and Management”, and for many years as Head of the "International Cooperation" Department. In 2019-2020, he worked as Deputy Director for Scientific Affairs and Innovations at the Samarkand Branch of Tashkent State University of Economics. Since September 2020, he has been working as the director of the Samarkand branch of the Tashkent State Agrarian University, and since September 2023, he has been working as the rector of Samarkand Agroinnovations and Research University. Shavkat Hasanov has published articles in more than 50 prestigious Scopus and Web of Science magazines, as well as in many local magazines. In addition, the author has prepared 4 monographs, 3 training manuals, and many methodological manuals. Until now, more than 20 bachelors, 4 masters, and 5 doctor of philosophy (PhD)s in economic sciences have defended themselves under his leadership. Shavkat Hasanov has led many international projects during his career and has been contributing to the integration of foreign knowledge and experience in the development of the education system of our country. Currently, within the framework of the Erasmus+ program of the European Union, he is managing the educational project of OFINU (Open Food InnovaUniversity in the field of innovative food technology) as well as the national coordinator of the practical project "Development of potato seed production in Uzbekistan" in cooperation with the Republic of South Korea. Sh. Hasanov’s international activity has been recognized by partner institutions abroad, including the Southern Academy, for his contribution to the introduction of smart agricultural technologies in Uzbekistan, the development of potato seed production, and the promotion of intensive agriculture. He w

Fotima Saydullaeva

Fotima Saydullaeva started her work at the univerity in 2021 as an assistant in the department of “Economics, sustainable agriculture, and digital technologies”. Currently she works as a senior teacher in the department “Economics and business”.In 2010-2015-she graduated from Samarkand Agricultural institute for bachelor degree In 2012-2013, she studied as an exchange student at the Warsaw University of Technology in Poland on the framework Erasmus Mundus program. In 2013, she was awarded “Navoiy” State scholarship In 2015-2017 she graduted from Samarkand Institute of Economics and Services for master degree In 2020, she trained at the Eurasian Food Center for Security at the Moscow State University of Russia, and in 2022-2023 within the framework of the Erasmus+ project in Finland, Latvia, and Lithuania. Currently, she is conducting research on the topic “The influence of diversification of production of Tomorka farms on the dietary diversity of the population (in the case of Samarkand province)”. Based on the results of scientific research, she has published about 20 scientific articles. She has been actively participating in international projects related to the development of education. Among other things, she is working as a content coordinator in the project “Open Food Innovation University (OFINU)” funded by the Erasmus+ program of the European Union for 2024-2027.

Kaldeep Kumar

I hold an M.Phil. in Rural Development from Sindh Agriculture University, Tando Jam, and have been actively engaged in research and policy analysis related to food insecurity, sustainable agriculture, and climate resilience. My work primarily focuses on evaluating the socio-economic and environmental challenges posed by climate change on food systems, with a strong emphasis on mitigation strategies and adaptive practices in vulnerable regions. With extensive experience in food security and climate change impact assessment, I have successfully proposed and implemented a cold storage facility for bananas with a capacity of 240 metric tons at Tando Allahyar, powered by renewable solar energy. This initiative has significantly reduced post-harvest losses, facilitated agricultural waste management, and resulted in the production of valuable by-products such as bio-compost, banana powder, and fiber. Additionally, the project has created over 200 jobs for local communities and contributed to sustainable agricultural practices. I have collaborated with various academic institutions, including Sindh Agriculture University, Tando Jam, governmental organizations such as the Pakistan Horticulture Development and Export Company (PHDEC), and international development agencies like the International Trade Center (ITC). My research contributions extend to the empowerment of rural women, Tackling Food Security in Pakistan: Challenges and Sustainable Solutions and Identifying key trends, challenges and opportunities in banana production. I have also worked on policy development, including the "Banana Sector Development Strategy" under the ITC Growth for Rural Advancement and Sustainable Progress (GRASP) project, funded by the European Union (EU). Furthermore, I have collaborated with UNFAO Pakistan on the project titled “The Banana in Pakistan Bio-economy: Transforming Waste into Textile.” As a certified Master Trainer for the Small and Medium Enterprises Development Authority (SMEDA) in the field of Agripreneurship, I actively provide support to small farmers by offering dehydration services for fruits and vegetables and facilitating market linkages for dehydrated bananas, onions, mangoes, tomatoes, and chili.

Sonia Guadalupe Sayago Ayerdi

Sonia Guadalupe Sayago Ayerdi has a degree in Chemistry from the Universidad La Salle A.C., a Master of Science in Biotic Product Development from the IPN, and a PhD in Nutrition from the Complutense University of Madrid. She began her career as a teacher at the Technological Institute of Acapulco and, thanks to the support of the National Technological Institute of Mexico, was trained as a researcher. Upon returning from the PhD, she joined the Technological Institute of Tepic Graduate Program, where she has been working since 2010. She currently has the category of Professor-researcher with a PRODEP profile. She has been a member of the National System of Researchers (SNI) since 2009 and is currently Level III. I believe that it is important to provide answers to the great problems that exist in Mexico. In addition, the country's biodiversity and possibilities for its exploitation have led it to emphasize the study of tropical fruits. One of her main interests is to carry out group research on underutilized Indigenous foods, the traditional Mexican diet, and the potential use of food by-products and to evaluate the effect of processing on the bioavailability and bioavailability (in vitro and in vivo) of bioactive compounds In addition, she is interested in simulating colonic fermentation in humans and evaluating the prebiotic effect of nonconventional sources of dietary fiber (tropical fruits) and, above all, collaborating with researchers in the areas of nutrition, biochemistry and molecular biology to complement these studies. . She is convinced that multidisciplinary research is a need that today can provide concrete answers to frontier questions that ST must answer. She was the coordinator of the Network of Underutilized Native Foods (ALSUB-CYTED, 118RT0543) of the IberoAmerican Program of Science and Technology for Development, participates as a member of the Technical Committee of the National Network for Research, Innovation and Development in Functional and Nutraceutical Foods (AlfaNutra ), member of the Mexican Academy of Sciences, member of the steering committee of the Mexican Association in Food Sciences (AMECA) during the periods 2015-17 and 2017- 19, and Associate Editor in Food Chemistry of Elsevier, Guest editor in Current Opinion in Food Science , Food Research International , Frontiers in Microbiology and Nutrition and Food Chemistry X.

Ioane Malaki

My work experience in the past 40 years as summarized below and indicated with my involvement with the institutions as noted above have been in the area of education, specifically at the levels of secondary and university, in the area of food production. I am therefore submitting this note to indicate my interest in this undertaking and that I am sure I can contribute positively to its realization. Ministry of Education and Culture, Samoa (MEC) 2024 Consultant as Moderator for the Samoa Secondary School Leaving Certificate (SSSLC-Year 13) Agricultural Science examination. 2023 1. Consultant as Examiner for the Samoa School Certificate (SSC-Year 12) Agricultural Science examination. 2. Consultant as Chief Scorer for the Samoa School Certificate (SSC-Year 12) Agricultural Science examination. 2022 1. Consultant as Examiner for the Samoa National Junior Secondary Certificate (SNJSC-Y10) Agricultural Science 2. Consultant as Moderator for the Samoa School Certificate (SSC-Year 12) Agricultural Science examination. 3. Consultant as Moderator for the Samoa School Certificate (SSC-Year 12) Biology examination. 2021 1. Consultant as Examiner for the Samoa School Certificate (SSC-Year 12) Biology examination. 2. Consultant as Chief Scorer for the Samoa School Certificate (SSC-Year 12) Biology examination 3. Consultant as Moderator for the Samoa Secondary School Leaving Certificate (SSSLC-Year 13) Biology examination. 2020 1. Consultant as Examiner for the Samoa School Certificate (SSC-Year 12) Biology examination. 2. Consultant as Chief Scorer for the Samoa School Certificate (SSC-Year 12) Biology examination. 3. Consultant as Examiner for the Samoa School Certificate (SSC-Year 12) Agricultural Science examination. 4. Consultant as Moderator for the Samoa Secondary School Leaving Certificate (SSSLC-Year 13) Biology examination. The University of the South Pacific School of Agriculture, Geography, Environment, Ocean and Natural Sciences (SAGEONS) Consultant Coordinator and Lecturer for the Bachelor of Agriculture Programme AG134: Agricultural Mechanisation, Semester 2, 2020 to 2023 Undertook consultancy for both the Face-to-Face and Blended modes. Coordinator for AG383, AG384 and AG134 1 st August 1994 – 31st December2019 Coordinator and Lecturer for AG383: Research Project Management Skills; This is a capstone core course for the 3 year Bachelor of Agriculture degree (BAgr) where students learn (through lectures etc.) and practise research skills by undertaking a full research project culminating in the submission of a scientific research report and two seminar

Kirifi Pouono

EMPLOYMENT RECORD: 1) DECEMBER 2024 to JANUARY 2025: a) C0NSULTANT/ AKP’s-AgriConsult 2) JULY 2022 to JUNE 2023: a) SUB-CONSULTANT COUNTRY MANAGER: PHAMA Plus 3) MARCH 2011 TO JUNE 2022: a) SUB-CONSULTANT NATIONAL FACILITATOR: PHAMA/PHAMA Pus 4) FEBRUARY-MARCH 2011 a) TRAINING AND FACILITATION SPECIALIST FOR POLYNESIAN COUNTRIES (COOK ISLAND, NIUE, TONGA, SAMOA): FOOD SECURITY AND SUSTAINABLE LIVELIHOOD PROGRAMME (FSSLP-FAO). FAO, APIA, SAMOA. 5) SEPTEMBER 2007 TO SEPTEMBER 2010 a) CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER, MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE AND FISHERIES (MAF), Apia, Samoa 6) JANUARY 2001 TO AUGUST 2007 a) ASSISTANT CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER (HEAD OF QUARANTINE), MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE AND FISHERIES (MAF), Apia, Samoa. 7) AUGUST 1995: a) PRINCIPAL RESEARCH OFFICER, (Counterpart to the Agronomist for the Australia funded Samoa Farming Systems Project). Ministry of Agriculture, Forest, Fisheries and Meteorology (MAFFM), Research Division, APIA, SAMOA. 8) JANUARY 1989: a) SENIOR COCOA AGRONOMIST, (Counterpart to the Agronomist for the Australia funded Samoa Farming Systems Project). Ministry of Agriculture, Forest, Fisheries and Meteorology (MAFFM), Samoa Farming Systems Project. APIA, SAMOA. 9) JUNE 1980: a) COCOA AGRONOMIST, (Counterpart to the Agronomist for the Australia funded Cocoa Project), Department of Agriculture, Forest, Fisheries, and Meteorology. Cocoa Development Project. APIA, WESTERN SAMOA SPECIAL DUTIES: 1) DECEMBER 2024: a) President: Samoa Society of Agricultural Professionals (SSOAP). 2) JANUARY 2024 to present:a) Director: Samoa Trust Estate Corporation Board 3) SEPTEMBER 1993: a) IN CHARGE OF: PACIFIC AGRICULTURAL INFORMATION SYSTEM (PAIS) FOR MAFFM. 4) AUGUST 1992: a) COUNTRY COLLABORATOR/WORKED WITH A CONSULTANT. Nutrient disorder project on taro, ACIAR 9190; UNIVERSITY OF Queensland/USP Project. 5) 1991 - 2000: a) IN CHARGE OF: TISSUE CULTURE UNIT. Development of the new Tissue Culture Unit. b) IN CHARGE OF: TREE CROPS PROJECT – COCONUT, IMPROVEMENT AND REPLANTING SCHEME/MANAGED THE CONSULTANT. Operation of the breeding programme at Olomanu. 6) JUNE-SEPT., 1989: a) COUNTERPART TO Mr. WIM RIJKSE (Soil Scientist consultant). Establishment of a Geographic Information System (GIS) in Samoa (MAFFM/Lands and Survey). FACT FINDING MISSION: 1) MAY/JUNE 1994: a) TARO LEAF BLIGHT MISSION. Identification, Collection and Introduction of TLB resistant varieties (PNG Solomon Islands). SEMINARS: 1) December 2024: a) Introducing the “Regenerative Agritourism-Italian Model” for Samoa. AGM, Samoa Society of Agricultural Professionals (SSOAP). 2) Septembe

Viliami Toalei MANU

A professional Chief Executive Officer of Tonga’s Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forests to my first appointment from the 10 th October 2016 to 10th October 2020, and then one year later re-appointed from 31 st October 2021 to 31 st October 2024. Led the ministry with professional skills in leadership and management of the operation of the ministry, delivering its quality services to the agriculture sector, ensuring national food security, increasing exports of diverse high quality agricultural products, as well as sustaining agricultural resources and resilient to the changing climates. A Director of the Research and Information Division for nine years, skilled at seeing the “big picture”, while always directing research to solve complex agricultural problems of high national priority with affordable, inclusive and sustainable solutions. Always focus in increase diversity of plant and livestock genetic resources, as well as different farming systems integrating crop rotations with livestock and legume fallow. Managing the few qualified staff, expatriate employees as partner regional and international institutions and agencies. A Director of the Food Division of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food, Forests and Fisheries for six years in establishing the National Food Safety and Quality Assurance System with its modern Food legislations. With the assistance of FAO, the Food Bill was drafts in 2004 followed by consultations process before it was finally submits to Parliament in 2006. In 2014, the National Food Act 2014 was enacted, with further review, finally, passed by the Parliament 2020, Food Act 2020. An experienced Research Scientist for eleven years in designs, field surveys, field/screen-house trials, laboratory experiments, data captures, analyses, reports and communication of scientific research results on conservation of soil, plant genetic, water and biodiversity resources, climate change resilience, agronomic to the policy decision-makers, farmers, clients, scientific journals, etc. . With training of extension staff and farmers on various technologies for production of squash, watermelon, papaya, etc. for export. A part-time teacher of Diploma in Agriculture students of the Ministry of Education from 1992 to 2004. An experience Chemist from 1982 to 1985 and from 1990 to 1995 in establishing, operate and managed the Analytical Chemistry Laboratory, Research Division of the ministry dedicated to chemical analysis of soil, plant tissue and water for macro- and micro-nutrients with experience in GLP laboratory requirements and procedures,

Alessandra Guidi

Full Professor at the Department of Veterinary Sciences at the University of Pisa, where she has been teaching since 1998. She holds a degree in Veterinary Medicine with a specialization in Inspection of Food of Animal Origin and began her career with research experience at the CNR in Pisa. In 2005, she founded and led the Laboratory of Applied Biotechnology for Food Control until 2015, focusing on developing analytical methods for detecting illicit treatments and innovative models for food safety management. Since 2004, she has collaborated with international institutions and universities, particularly in China, Southeast Asia, and Central Asia, to improve veterinary public health systems. From 2010 to 2015, she served as President of the Sino-Italian International PhD Program and directed the Postgraduate School in Inspection of Food of Animal Origin from 2016 to 2021. In 2009, she established the Sino-Italian Center for Food Safety in collaboration with the Tuscany Region and the Guangxi Autonomous Region and Guangxi University. She served as Vice Rector for Internationalization at the University of Pisa (2010-2016) and was a board member of the Confucius Institute of Pisa (2013-2016). In 2019, she founded Safeaty srl , a spin-off of the University of Pisa, which was recognized in 2020 as one of Europe’s top ten food tech companies. Since 2021, she has been the Science Attaché at the Embassy of Italy in Beijing, appointed by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation. A frequent invited speaker at national and international conferences, she has coordinated numerous projects on food safety and public health. She has authored over 150 scientific publications, serves on the editorial boards of Foods and Insects (MDPI), and has published two novels .

Eugenia Serova

Eugenia Serova currently is a professor at the Scientific University “Higher School of Economics” in Moscow. She was the first coordinator for FAO’s Strategic Objective 4 – Enable inclusive and efficient agricultural and food systems. Later she was a director of the FAO Liaison office for Russia. Prior to joining FAO’s Investment Centre in September 2007, she served as adviser to the Russian Federation’s Minister of Agriculture. Since 1994, she has been team leader at the Institute for Economy in Transition (the Gaidar Institute), President of the Analytical Centre on Agrifood Economics, and acting professor and chair of agricultural economics at Moscow Higher School of Economics. Before 1991, she worked at the All-Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences and its institutes. Her main expertise is in agricultural economics, agrifood policy and trade, farm cooperatives, land tenure and the Russian Federation’s agrarian reform. She has extensive experience in carrying out and coordinating research on Russian agriculture, and in obtaining results in policy processes. She has participated in the work of many international organizations, including the World Bank, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI). Her involvement in policy formulation for the Russian Federation’s agriculture sector included participation in drafting several laws and other pieces of legislation. She has been an advisor in Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Jamaica and other countries. She holds a Ph.D. and a Doctorate of Economics from Moscow State University.

Steven J Wearne

Steven has over three decades of experience of developing and advising on food regulatory policy at the national and international level. He has worked in a range of roles within the UK Civil Service, including as Director for Policy nbsp;He was elected as chairperson of the Codex Alimentarius Commission from 2021-2024, in which role he was acknowledged as an exemplar of facilitating and resolving complex multilateral discussions related to consumer health protection and agrifood trade.

Iulia Dragut Background

University lecturer.

Current Position: Co-author and Consulant

Aleksandra Martinovic Background

Prof. Aleksandra Martinovic, besides holding two PhD degrees (from University of Belgrade and Norwegian University of Life Sciences) in the areas of food biotechnology- molecular microbiology, has also been engaged in conduction of international programs and being involved in the issues concerning molecular food microbiology and food quality and safety. In August 2004 she has been elected as a Global Partner Affiliate Faculty for the Arizona State University -Cintana Alliance. She is also engaged as the guest lecturer at the Wroclaw University of Life And Environmental Sciences, Poland. She worked as a Project Coordinator in various national and international projects and has a significant expert and research experience. She is currently working at the position of the Director of Centre of Excellence for food safety risk assessment and the Dean of the Faculty of Food Technology, Food safety and Ecology. She is a Project Leader of the first national dietary survey in Montenegro for adult and children population according to the EU Menu methodology, financed by European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). She has been conducting research in various institutions in Denmark, Norway, Ireland, USA. During her continuous professional engagement as an expert of Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (UN FAO), she is involved in the issues concerning development of the food safety guidelines for the producers and authorities, nutrition, training of the producers in food safety and development of the food quality standards for traditional food products. She is a Member of the Working Group for the negotiations of Montenegro with EU for the Chapter 12- Food Safety, Veterinary and Phytosanitary policy, Chair of the Special Interest Group (SIG) Global Harmonization and of Task Team (TT) Scientific Committees at the European Federation of Food Science and Technology ( She is GHI Ambassador for Montenegro ( t), Member of the Federation of European Microbiologists and Member of the Montenegrin Microbiological Society.

Claude Caldwell

By formal training, I am a physiological ecologist and plant biophysicist. However, I have been active in agriculture since 1980, when I started as a research scientist with Agriculture Canada in Lacombe, Alberta. I have particular expertise in cropping systems, new crop development and agroecology. I have 40 years of experience in cereal and oilseed agronomy in crops that range from bread wheat to hemp and have published extensively (100 peer reviewed publications). I continue to work on research and agricultural policy for diversified, sustainable agriculture. I have been active in international development work since 1995 and have worked in 11 different developing countries over the past 28 years I have taught and/or developed undergraduate and graduate curriculum in co-operation with universities in Jamaica, Trinidad, The Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam, The Gambia, Tanzania, Cambodia, Ethiopia, Uganda and China. I continue to be active in teaching and research with several international colleagues, especially in China. I presently served on the Board of Directors of CAPI (the Canadian Agrifood Policy Institute) and 4-H Nova Scotia.

Shannon S.S. Herzfeld

Nearly 20 years of senior executive experience (American private sector) in global agriculture; more than 40 years of experience in international trade and its regulation. Recognized expert in the creation and administration of public policy in the agriculture and food sector.

Jalal Naser

Jalal Naser is an experienced professional specializing in water resources, food security, and climate resilience. With a strong academic background in water engineering and water diplomacy and practical expertise, he has contributed to innovative solutions addressing water scarcity and sustainable agricultural practices in Afghanistan. My work focuses on integrating climate adaptation strategies to mitigate the impacts of climate change on food systems in developing countries specifically, Afghanistan. I have collaborated with international organizations and research institutions to implement projects promoting efficient water use and ensuring food security. I am passionate about leveraging data and technology to drive sustainable development in water and food sectors. My research and fieldwork emphasize community-driven approaches to build resilience in vulnerable regions. I remains committed to advancing global efforts toward achieving climate-smart solutions for a sustainable future.

Ali Yassoralipour

Dr. Ali Yassoralipour earned his PhD in Food Technology from Universiti Putra Malaysia in 2012. He furthered his academic journey by undertaking post-doctoral research at the National University of Malaysia, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia. Currently, he serves as an Assistant Professor and Head of the Department of Agricultural and Food Science at Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR) in Malaysia. With over 30 published articles and conference proceedings in reputable journals and conferences, his research has had a significant impact on innovative packaging methods, inspiring scholars both nationally and globally. With nearly a decade of experience in agricultural and food science, Dr. Yassoralipour brings a multicultural, dynamic, and interdisciplinary approach to teaching, research, and management. He has expertise in various agricultural and food systems-related subjects, curriculum development, program management, publications, grants, and student supervision. Dr. Yassoralipour's dedication is evident through his contributions to student development, organizational enhancement, and societal betterment.

Muhammad Farooq

Prof. Muhammad Farooq is a distinguished academician currently serving as Professor and Head of the Department of Plant Sciences at Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat, Oman. He also holds concurrent positions as an Adjunct Professor at the University of Western Australia (since 2011) and Dankook University, South Korea (since 2013), contributing to global research collaborations. His work focuses on developing resilient and sustainable food production systems, aligning with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to address global food security challenges.

Raghad S. Mouhamad

I am a professor at the Iraqi Scientific Research Authority, specializing in plant biology and biotechnology. Over the past years, I have contributed to various research projects, including studying the genetic mechanisms of environmental adaptation and the impacts of climate change on plant survival, particularly in Middle Eastern ecosystems. My research focuses on simulating wheat productivity in Iraq for future scenarios in marginal soils. I possess extensive experience in experimental research, employing advanced techniques such as simulating microgravity and space farming. My work also includes analyzing unidentified vitamin forms in mushrooms and applying molecular methods to explore soil microbial diversity and the mechanisms of microplastic degradation. Beyond my research contributions, I actively participate in international scientific collaborations and was recently invited to author a chapter in the forthcoming book "Revolutionizing Microbial Technology: AI" to be published by Elsevier. These experiences have enabled me to develop a comprehensive understanding of multidisciplinary approaches to tackling global challenges, making my expertise highly relevant to advancing research and innovation.Currently, I am working on soil sustainability initiatives as part of the SoilBon team, dedicated to enhancing the sustainable management of natural resources and ensuring soil health for future generations.

Shoba Suri

I am a PhD (Nutrition Physiology) with 30 years of experience in community and clinical research. She has worked on nutrition, healthcare, infant and young child feeding, policy advocacy and assessment. I am a trained Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF) counselling specialist with more than 50 research publications in scientific journals and books. I have travelled widely during my research work.

Sri Fatimah

Lecturer on subjects related to development communication, community development, sociology of agribusiness. Deliver research result and knowledge exchange at international and national academic events on broad agriculture issues including food issues through seminar as invited speakers, presenter and special talks. Conducting Community services on rural economic social development in economic and social affairs such as rural SMSE development, rural waste treatment, health and mental mentorship, rural economic transformation, food making and packaging. Team proposers and implementator of Graduate Program on Food Security and Sovereignty at University of Padjadjaran

Theingi Myint

Dr.Theingi Myint is an Agricultural Economist working in the field of rural development especially agricultural marketing, project planning and management and socioeconomic impact assessment. She has a Ph.D in Agricultural Economics within the Sandwich Program of Justus Liegburg University, Giessen, Germany and Yezin Agricultural University. For her Ph.D., her research was “Myanmar Rice Market: Market Integration and Price Causality”. She started her career in Yezin Agricultural University since 1992. She has more than 33 years of work experiences in university and rural development projects with some International Organizations such as ICRISAT, SEARCA, IRRI, CSEAS-Kyoto University, ACIAR, FAO, World Bank, ADB, ERIA, IDE-Jetro, HELVETAS, JICA, KOICA and ICMOD. She has gained research experiences in agricultural marketing, socioeconomic impact assessment, sustainable livelihood development, sustainable agricultural development, labor migration, and gender. She has done as a Coordinator of ACIAR Project: “Strengthening Institutional Capacity, Extension Services and Rural Livelihoods in the Central Dry Zone and Ayeyarwady Delta Regions of Myanmar” and "Increasing Productivity of Legume-based Farming Systems in the Central Dry Zone of Myanmar” from 2014 up to 2017. At the meantime, she is working as Professor and Head of Department of Agricultural Economics, Yezin Agricultural University, Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar. She is currently working the research on household food systems, food waste management, food security and perceptions of consumers, consumption patterns, food system transformation in Myanmar after the getting COVID 19 shocks since 2019 onward. During 2023- 2026, she works the “Spring Outlook Program of ICIMOD as an external expert for co-lead author for the Spring Management in HKH region report.

François PYTHOUD

Former Ambassador and Permament Representative of Switzerland to FAO, WFP, IFAD Chairman Swiss Academy of Taste François Pythoud is a recognized expert in biological sciences and international food and agricultural policies. Holding a PhD in Natural Sciences from the University of Fribourg, Switzerland, he has extensive experience in sustainable food, agriculture, biodiversity, and biotechnology policies Since 2022, he has been an independent advisor and CEO of PAD Conseil, as well as Chairman of the Swiss Academy of Taste. He has held key positions in the Swiss administration, notably as Ambassador to the UN agencies in Rome (FAO, WFP, IDAF) (2015-2019). Before that, he led the International Sustainable Agriculture Division at the Federal Office for Agriculture (FOAG) and held various roles related to biotechnology and environmental policy at the Federal Office of Environment. Mr. Pythoud has played an active role in numerous international bodies, serving as Chair of the FAO Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (2019-2021) and the FAO Committee on Agriculture (2016-2018). He was also a member of the FAO Programme Committee and Vice-Chair of several committees and protocols related to biodiversity and biotechnology (OECD, Cartagena Protocol and Convention on Biodiversity, International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources). His expertise has been instrumental in shaping global policy frameworks, including the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework under the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), the recommendations of the Committee on World Food Security, the United Nations 2030 Agenda (Sustainable Development Goal 2), the Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit-Sharing (2010) and the Cartagena Protoxol on Biosafety (2000). He also contributed to the FAO Global Plan of Action on Biodiversity and numerous biosafety and genetic resource protection standards in OECD and different UN organisations. He holds a PhD in Natural Sciences (1985) and a Master’s degree in Plant Biology (1980) from the University of Fribourg. He works as Research Associate at the University of Washington, Seattle USA (1986-1987) and at the Friedrich Miescher Institute in Basel, Switzerland (1988-1989) With over 35 years of experience in environmental and agricultural governance, François Pythoud is a key figure in promoting an holistic approach to sustainable food and agriculture at the international level.

Rudra Bahadur Shrestha

Dr. Rudra Bahadur Shrestha is a highly regarded professional with over 25 years of extensive experience in agriculture, food and nutrition security, climate change, hunger and malnutrition, policy analysis, and strategic partnerships. He currently serves as the Senior Director for Winrock International Nepal’s agriculture project. Dr. Shrestha has previously held prominent positions, including Policy Head at the South Asia Association for Regional Cooperation (SAARC) Agriculture Center and Senior Agricultural Economist with the Government of Nepal, where he worked for more than two decades. Dr. Shrestha holds a PhD in Agricultural Economics and is an esteemed Visiting Professor at several universities in Nepal, Vietnam, Bangladesh, and Brazil, specializing in agricultural economics, food security, trade and competitiveness, and project management. Recognized for his expertise, Dr. Shrestha has been invited as a keynote speaker, chaired technical sessions, and presented papers at numerous international forums. He has cultivated a strong network with leading global development organizations, including the World Bank, Asian Development Bank, UNDP, FAO, IFAD, WFP, and SDC, as well as research institutions, the private sector, and civil society. Throughout his distinguished career, Dr. Shrestha has contributed extensively to research, publishing numerous books, policy briefs, book chapters, and peer-reviewed journal articles.

Shavkat Hasanov

Shavkat Hasanov graduated from the Samarkand Agricultural Institute in 1996. In 2006, on 08.00.04, he received the scientific degree of candidate of economic sciences in the specialty "Agricultural economics," and in 2011, he received the academic title of associate professor. In 2018, he received the degree of Doctor of Economic Sciences, and in 2022, he received the academic title of professor. Also, in the last 3 years, he has increased his knowledge and experience at prestigious universities in countries such as Germany, Japan, South Korea, Latvia, Kyrgyzstan, and Poland. Shavkat Hasanov began his scientific and pedagogical activity as an assistant at Samarkand Agricultural Institute's Department of “Agricultural Economics and Management”, then as an associate professor of the same department, Dean of the Faculty of “Economics and Management”, and for many years as Head of the "International Cooperation" Department. In 2019-2020, he worked as Deputy Director for Scientific Affairs and Innovations at the Samarkand Branch of Tashkent State University of Economics. Since September 2020, he has been working as the director of the Samarkand branch of the Tashkent State Agrarian University, and since September 2023, he has been working as the rector of Samarkand Agroinnovations and Research University. Shavkat Hasanov has published articles in more than 50 prestigious Scopus and Web of Science magazines, as well as in many local magazines. In addition, the author has prepared 4 monographs, 3 training manuals, and many methodological manuals. Until now, more than 20 bachelors, 4 masters, and 5 doctor of philosophy (PhD)s in economic sciences have defended themselves under his leadership. Shavkat Hasanov has led many international projects during his career and has been contributing to the integration of foreign knowledge and experience in the development of the education system of our country. Currently, within the framework of the Erasmus+ program of the European Union, he is managing the educational project of OFINU (Open Food InnovaUniversity in the field of innovative food technology) as well as the national coordinator of the practical project "Development of potato seed production in Uzbekistan" in cooperation with the Republic of South Korea. Sh. Hasanov’s international activity has been recognized by partner institutions abroad, including the Southern Academy, for his contribution to the introduction of smart agricultural technologies in Uzbekistan, the development of potato seed production, and the promotion of intensive agriculture. He w

Fotima Saydullaeva

Fotima Saydullaeva started her work at the univerity in 2021 as an assistant in the department of “Economics, sustainable agriculture, and digital technologies”. Currently she works as a senior teacher in the department “Economics and business”.In 2010-2015-she graduated from Samarkand Agricultural institute for bachelor degree In 2012-2013, she studied as an exchange student at the Warsaw University of Technology in Poland on the framework Erasmus Mundus program. In 2013, she was awarded “Navoiy” State scholarship In 2015-2017 she graduted from Samarkand Institute of Economics and Services for master degree In 2020, she trained at the Eurasian Food Center for Security at the Moscow State University of Russia, and in 2022-2023 within the framework of the Erasmus+ project in Finland, Latvia, and Lithuania. Currently, she is conducting research on the topic “The influence of diversification of production of Tomorka farms on the dietary diversity of the population (in the case of Samarkand province)”. Based on the results of scientific research, she has published about 20 scientific articles. She has been actively participating in international projects related to the development of education. Among other things, she is working as a content coordinator in the project “Open Food Innovation University (OFINU)” funded by the Erasmus+ program of the European Union for 2024-2027.

Kaldeep Kumar

I hold an M.Phil. in Rural Development from Sindh Agriculture University, Tando Jam, and have been actively engaged in research and policy analysis related to food insecurity, sustainable agriculture, and climate resilience. My work primarily focuses on evaluating the socio-economic and environmental challenges posed by climate change on food systems, with a strong emphasis on mitigation strategies and adaptive practices in vulnerable regions. With extensive experience in food security and climate change impact assessment, I have successfully proposed and implemented a cold storage facility for bananas with a capacity of 240 metric tons at Tando Allahyar, powered by renewable solar energy. This initiative has significantly reduced post-harvest losses, facilitated agricultural waste management, and resulted in the production of valuable by-products such as bio-compost, banana powder, and fiber. Additionally, the project has created over 200 jobs for local communities and contributed to sustainable agricultural practices. I have collaborated with various academic institutions, including Sindh Agriculture University, Tando Jam, governmental organizations such as the Pakistan Horticulture Development and Export Company (PHDEC), and international development agencies like the International Trade Center (ITC). My research contributions extend to the empowerment of rural women, Tackling Food Security in Pakistan: Challenges and Sustainable Solutions and Identifying key trends, challenges and opportunities in banana production. I have also worked on policy development, including the "Banana Sector Development Strategy" under the ITC Growth for Rural Advancement and Sustainable Progress (GRASP) project, funded by the European Union (EU). Furthermore, I have collaborated with UNFAO Pakistan on the project titled “The Banana in Pakistan Bio-economy: Transforming Waste into Textile.” As a certified Master Trainer for the Small and Medium Enterprises Development Authority (SMEDA) in the field of Agripreneurship, I actively provide support to small farmers by offering dehydration services for fruits and vegetables and facilitating market linkages for dehydrated bananas, onions, mangoes, tomatoes, and chili.

Sonia Guadalupe Sayago Ayerdi

Sonia Guadalupe Sayago Ayerdi has a degree in Chemistry from the Universidad La Salle A.C., a Master of Science in Biotic Product Development from the IPN, and a PhD in Nutrition from the Complutense University of Madrid. She began her career as a teacher at the Technological Institute of Acapulco and, thanks to the support of the National Technological Institute of Mexico, was trained as a researcher. Upon returning from the PhD, she joined the Technological Institute of Tepic Graduate Program, where she has been working since 2010. She currently has the category of Professor-researcher with a PRODEP profile. She has been a member of the National System of Researchers (SNI) since 2009 and is currently Level III. I believe that it is important to provide answers to the great problems that exist in Mexico. In addition, the country's biodiversity and possibilities for its exploitation have led it to emphasize the study of tropical fruits. One of her main interests is to carry out group research on underutilized Indigenous foods, the traditional Mexican diet, and the potential use of food by-products and to evaluate the effect of processing on the bioavailability and bioavailability (in vitro and in vivo) of bioactive compounds In addition, she is interested in simulating colonic fermentation in humans and evaluating the prebiotic effect of nonconventional sources of dietary fiber (tropical fruits) and, above all, collaborating with researchers in the areas of nutrition, biochemistry and molecular biology to complement these studies. . She is convinced that multidisciplinary research is a need that today can provide concrete answers to frontier questions that ST must answer. She was the coordinator of the Network of Underutilized Native Foods (ALSUB-CYTED, 118RT0543) of the IberoAmerican Program of Science and Technology for Development, participates as a member of the Technical Committee of the National Network for Research, Innovation and Development in Functional and Nutraceutical Foods (AlfaNutra ), member of the Mexican Academy of Sciences, member of the steering committee of the Mexican Association in Food Sciences (AMECA) during the periods 2015-17 and 2017- 19, and Associate Editor in Food Chemistry of Elsevier, Guest editor in Current Opinion in Food Science , Food Research International , Frontiers in Microbiology and Nutrition and Food Chemistry X.

Ioane Malaki

My work experience in the past 40 years as summarized below and indicated with my involvement with the institutions as noted above have been in the area of education, specifically at the levels of secondary and university, in the area of food production. I am therefore submitting this note to indicate my interest in this undertaking and that I am sure I can contribute positively to its realization. Ministry of Education and Culture, Samoa (MEC) 2024 Consultant as Moderator for the Samoa Secondary School Leaving Certificate (SSSLC-Year 13) Agricultural Science examination. 2023 1. Consultant as Examiner for the Samoa School Certificate (SSC-Year 12) Agricultural Science examination. 2. Consultant as Chief Scorer for the Samoa School Certificate (SSC-Year 12) Agricultural Science examination. 2022 1. Consultant as Examiner for the Samoa National Junior Secondary Certificate (SNJSC-Y10) Agricultural Science 2. Consultant as Moderator for the Samoa School Certificate (SSC-Year 12) Agricultural Science examination. 3. Consultant as Moderator for the Samoa School Certificate (SSC-Year 12) Biology examination. 2021 1. Consultant as Examiner for the Samoa School Certificate (SSC-Year 12) Biology examination. 2. Consultant as Chief Scorer for the Samoa School Certificate (SSC-Year 12) Biology examination 3. Consultant as Moderator for the Samoa Secondary School Leaving Certificate (SSSLC-Year 13) Biology examination. 2020 1. Consultant as Examiner for the Samoa School Certificate (SSC-Year 12) Biology examination. 2. Consultant as Chief Scorer for the Samoa School Certificate (SSC-Year 12) Biology examination. 3. Consultant as Examiner for the Samoa School Certificate (SSC-Year 12) Agricultural Science examination. 4. Consultant as Moderator for the Samoa Secondary School Leaving Certificate (SSSLC-Year 13) Biology examination. The University of the South Pacific School of Agriculture, Geography, Environment, Ocean and Natural Sciences (SAGEONS) Consultant Coordinator and Lecturer for the Bachelor of Agriculture Programme AG134: Agricultural Mechanisation, Semester 2, 2020 to 2023 Undertook consultancy for both the Face-to-Face and Blended modes. Coordinator for AG383, AG384 and AG134 1 st August 1994 – 31st December2019 Coordinator and Lecturer for AG383: Research Project Management Skills; This is a capstone core course for the 3 year Bachelor of Agriculture degree (BAgr) where students learn (through lectures etc.) and practise research skills by undertaking a full research project culminating in the submission of a scientific research report and two seminar

Kirifi Pouono

EMPLOYMENT RECORD: 1) DECEMBER 2024 to JANUARY 2025: a) C0NSULTANT/ AKP’s-AgriConsult 2) JULY 2022 to JUNE 2023: a) SUB-CONSULTANT COUNTRY MANAGER: PHAMA Plus 3) MARCH 2011 TO JUNE 2022: a) SUB-CONSULTANT NATIONAL FACILITATOR: PHAMA/PHAMA Pus 4) FEBRUARY-MARCH 2011 a) TRAINING AND FACILITATION SPECIALIST FOR POLYNESIAN COUNTRIES (COOK ISLAND, NIUE, TONGA, SAMOA): FOOD SECURITY AND SUSTAINABLE LIVELIHOOD PROGRAMME (FSSLP-FAO). FAO, APIA, SAMOA. 5) SEPTEMBER 2007 TO SEPTEMBER 2010 a) CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER, MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE AND FISHERIES (MAF), Apia, Samoa 6) JANUARY 2001 TO AUGUST 2007 a) ASSISTANT CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER (HEAD OF QUARANTINE), MINISTRY OF AGRICULTURE AND FISHERIES (MAF), Apia, Samoa. 7) AUGUST 1995: a) PRINCIPAL RESEARCH OFFICER, (Counterpart to the Agronomist for the Australia funded Samoa Farming Systems Project). Ministry of Agriculture, Forest, Fisheries and Meteorology (MAFFM), Research Division, APIA, SAMOA. 8) JANUARY 1989: a) SENIOR COCOA AGRONOMIST, (Counterpart to the Agronomist for the Australia funded Samoa Farming Systems Project). Ministry of Agriculture, Forest, Fisheries and Meteorology (MAFFM), Samoa Farming Systems Project. APIA, SAMOA. 9) JUNE 1980: a) COCOA AGRONOMIST, (Counterpart to the Agronomist for the Australia funded Cocoa Project), Department of Agriculture, Forest, Fisheries, and Meteorology. Cocoa Development Project. APIA, WESTERN SAMOA SPECIAL DUTIES: 1) DECEMBER 2024: a) President: Samoa Society of Agricultural Professionals (SSOAP). 2) JANUARY 2024 to present:a) Director: Samoa Trust Estate Corporation Board 3) SEPTEMBER 1993: a) IN CHARGE OF: PACIFIC AGRICULTURAL INFORMATION SYSTEM (PAIS) FOR MAFFM. 4) AUGUST 1992: a) COUNTRY COLLABORATOR/WORKED WITH A CONSULTANT. Nutrient disorder project on taro, ACIAR 9190; UNIVERSITY OF Queensland/USP Project. 5) 1991 - 2000: a) IN CHARGE OF: TISSUE CULTURE UNIT. Development of the new Tissue Culture Unit. b) IN CHARGE OF: TREE CROPS PROJECT – COCONUT, IMPROVEMENT AND REPLANTING SCHEME/MANAGED THE CONSULTANT. Operation of the breeding programme at Olomanu. 6) JUNE-SEPT., 1989: a) COUNTERPART TO Mr. WIM RIJKSE (Soil Scientist consultant). Establishment of a Geographic Information System (GIS) in Samoa (MAFFM/Lands and Survey). FACT FINDING MISSION: 1) MAY/JUNE 1994: a) TARO LEAF BLIGHT MISSION. Identification, Collection and Introduction of TLB resistant varieties (PNG Solomon Islands). SEMINARS: 1) December 2024: a) Introducing the “Regenerative Agritourism-Italian Model” for Samoa. AGM, Samoa Society of Agricultural Professionals (SSOAP). 2) Septembe

Viliami Toalei MANU

A professional Chief Executive Officer of Tonga’s Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Forests to my first appointment from the 10 th October 2016 to 10th October 2020, and then one year later re-appointed from 31 st October 2021 to 31 st October 2024. Led the ministry with professional skills in leadership and management of the operation of the ministry, delivering its quality services to the agriculture sector, ensuring national food security, increasing exports of diverse high quality agricultural products, as well as sustaining agricultural resources and resilient to the changing climates. A Director of the Research and Information Division for nine years, skilled at seeing the “big picture”, while always directing research to solve complex agricultural problems of high national priority with affordable, inclusive and sustainable solutions. Always focus in increase diversity of plant and livestock genetic resources, as well as different farming systems integrating crop rotations with livestock and legume fallow. Managing the few qualified staff, expatriate employees as partner regional and international institutions and agencies. A Director of the Food Division of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food, Forests and Fisheries for six years in establishing the National Food Safety and Quality Assurance System with its modern Food legislations. With the assistance of FAO, the Food Bill was drafts in 2004 followed by consultations process before it was finally submits to Parliament in 2006. In 2014, the National Food Act 2014 was enacted, with further review, finally, passed by the Parliament 2020, Food Act 2020. An experienced Research Scientist for eleven years in designs, field surveys, field/screen-house trials, laboratory experiments, data captures, analyses, reports and communication of scientific research results on conservation of soil, plant genetic, water and biodiversity resources, climate change resilience, agronomic to the policy decision-makers, farmers, clients, scientific journals, etc. . With training of extension staff and farmers on various technologies for production of squash, watermelon, papaya, etc. for export. A part-time teacher of Diploma in Agriculture students of the Ministry of Education from 1992 to 2004. An experience Chemist from 1982 to 1985 and from 1990 to 1995 in establishing, operate and managed the Analytical Chemistry Laboratory, Research Division of the ministry dedicated to chemical analysis of soil, plant tissue and water for macro- and micro-nutrients with experience in GLP laboratory requirements and procedures,

Alessandra Guidi

Full Professor at the Department of Veterinary Sciences at the University of Pisa, where she has been teaching since 1998. She holds a degree in Veterinary Medicine with a specialization in Inspection of Food of Animal Origin and began her career with research experience at the CNR in Pisa. In 2005, she founded and led the Laboratory of Applied Biotechnology for Food Control until 2015, focusing on developing analytical methods for detecting illicit treatments and innovative models for food safety management. Since 2004, she has collaborated with international institutions and universities, particularly in China, Southeast Asia, and Central Asia, to improve veterinary public health systems. From 2010 to 2015, she served as President of the Sino-Italian International PhD Program and directed the Postgraduate School in Inspection of Food of Animal Origin from 2016 to 2021. In 2009, she established the Sino-Italian Center for Food Safety in collaboration with the Tuscany Region and the Guangxi Autonomous Region and Guangxi University. She served as Vice Rector for Internationalization at the University of Pisa (2010-2016) and was a board member of the Confucius Institute of Pisa (2013-2016). In 2019, she founded Safeaty srl , a spin-off of the University of Pisa, which was recognized in 2020 as one of Europe’s top ten food tech companies. Since 2021, she has been the Science Attaché at the Embassy of Italy in Beijing, appointed by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation. A frequent invited speaker at national and international conferences, she has coordinated numerous projects on food safety and public health. She has authored over 150 scientific publications, serves on the editorial boards of Foods and Insects (MDPI), and has published two novels .

Eugenia Serova

Eugenia Serova currently is a professor at the Scientific University “Higher School of Economics” in Moscow. She was the first coordinator for FAO’s Strategic Objective 4 – Enable inclusive and efficient agricultural and food systems. Later she was a director of the FAO Liaison office for Russia. Prior to joining FAO’s Investment Centre in September 2007, she served as adviser to the Russian Federation’s Minister of Agriculture. Since 1994, she has been team leader at the Institute for Economy in Transition (the Gaidar Institute), President of the Analytical Centre on Agrifood Economics, and acting professor and chair of agricultural economics at Moscow Higher School of Economics. Before 1991, she worked at the All-Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences and its institutes. Her main expertise is in agricultural economics, agrifood policy and trade, farm cooperatives, land tenure and the Russian Federation’s agrarian reform. She has extensive experience in carrying out and coordinating research on Russian agriculture, and in obtaining results in policy processes. She has participated in the work of many international organizations, including the World Bank, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI). Her involvement in policy formulation for the Russian Federation’s agriculture sector included participation in drafting several laws and other pieces of legislation. She has been an advisor in Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Jamaica and other countries. She holds a Ph.D. and a Doctorate of Economics from Moscow State University.

Steven J Wearne

Steven has over three decades of experience of developing and advising on food regulatory policy at the national and international level. He has worked in a range of roles within the UK Civil Service, including as Director for Policy nbsp;He was elected as chairperson of the Codex Alimentarius Commission from 2021-2024, in which role he was acknowledged as an exemplar of facilitating and resolving complex multilateral discussions related to consumer health protection and agrifood trade.

Iulia Dragut Background

University lecturer.