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India's food for thought in Japan
Rajeshwari Kalyanam

Hyderabad-based Sharmila Nisudan, Education Project Director at VM Technologies, represented India as she spoke about Sustainable Development Goals and Food systems at the ongoing G20 Summit initiative, the third World Eatology Forum at Awaji Islands, Japan. Being held on the sidelines of the G20 Summit, World Eatology Forum and the first World King of Chefs Summit, a culinary competition at Awaji Islands focuses and sustainable development goals and resolving food production, utilisation issues and the looming food security problem in the world.
Present at the inaugural on June 25 was Director, Beijing Dong Fang Gourmet Institute, founder of EatologySummot Liu Guangwei, former UN Under Secretary General Hongbo Wo, former Foreign Minister of Japan Masahiko Koumura, former Minister of Foreign Affairs of China Zhaoxing Li, Administrative Vice Minister of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries Hiroyuki Suematsu along with guests, expert panelists and chefs from different countries of the world.
Liu Guangwei, founder of the term Eatology presented his book extensively exploring the subject in relation to the SDGs declared by United Nations. He says, "Food security is the matter of importance for the 7.6 billion people of the world. it cannot be looked at as either macro or micro level. it has to be viewed with holistic approach, shifting focus to eatology will not only address all the food related issues but will also lend to our wellbeing and health."
The discussions and talks on the three days of the conference focussed on food production, reduction of wastage considering the fact that almost 1/3 rd of food produced is wasted and the how to eat right. Sharmila Nisudan, a hospitality professional, educator and trainer, spoke about India and rapid urbanisation and its effect on food habits of Indians leading to consumption of processed food in deviation of the original wholesome and nutritious traditional food habits. Her talk on the third day of the forum based on her book 'A Guide to Women and Child Development' brought into focus the initiatives of Indian goverment, both central and local governance and NITI Aayog, and the role of Anganwadis in promoting rural women's health and nutrition. She says, "These women-based rural committees are also being used to educate rural women on health and nutrition, immunisation and preventing hunger in rural India." She adds her book deals with most of the 17 UNs SDG goals. The third Eatology Forum is supported by the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation, Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Together with eatology experts and scholars from G20 countries, after discussions and deliberations, SDGs the Awaji Island Declaration 3.0 was launched on occasion.