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World Eatology Forum, Logo Analysis

The outer ring is the logo of United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It consists of 17 different fan-shaped sectors, each representing a single target.
The inner ring is the logo of Eatology. The blue thin line between the two rings indicates that 12 out of the 17 SDGs are highly related to food.
A. The meaning of hemisphere:
1. Eatology is a matter for all human beings and it is related to everyone on the earth.
2. Eatology is closely related to the earth's ecology and the resources of the food maternity are not unlimited.
B.The meaning of triangle:
1. It is a warning sign, warning that some of the wrong eating behaviors of human beings today should be restrained.
2. The “three-dimensional structure” of Eatology, consisting of food production, food utilization, and eation order, should not be divided.
C. The meaning of dot:
1.It means the nature's eyes are watching us hence we should regulate our own eating behavior.
2.It means animals such as a fish or a bird, with which Eatology claims to share food in order to maintain the integrity of the biological chain.
D. The meaning of “E” shape:
1.It refers to the first letter of Eatology created by Mr. Liu Guangwei, representing Eatology in particular.
2.It refers to the first letter of eat.
The two basic advocates of Eatology:
1.Food safety is fundamental.
2.An healthy diet is essential.
The idea of this logo comes from the former under secretary-general of the United Nations Mr. Wu Hongbo, who was also the drafter of SDGs. Filed and approved by the United Nations SDGs Office on May 22, 2019, it refers to a better implement the SDGs by means of the theory of Eatology.