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Principles of Shiology
-- Revealing the basic laws of human shiance

Biography of the author: Liu Guangwei, Director of Research Center for Shiology, Renmin University of China; founder of the SHIOLOGY discipline system; President of Beijing Shiology Research Institute; Director-General of World Shiology Forum; Director of Expert Committee of Chinese Catering Brand Cluster. Research fields: Shiance issues, holistic management of shiance issues, construction of shiology science system.

Abstract: Principles are the basic and essential laws. Discovering principles from objective laws is a sublimation of human cognition of the objective world. A system of knowledge that reveals objective principles in different disciplines is called science. Revealing objective principles is a significant part in the process of human cognition of the objective world, and it is the core of the three necessary conditions for constructing a scientific system. Conversely, the construction of a knowledge system must reveal objective principles, and a knowledge system that does not reveal objective principles is a castle in the air. The objective principles of shiology are mainly reflected in three areas: food acquisition, eaters' health and shiance order. Most of the objective principles in the field of food acquisition have been revealed by Agronomy and Foodstuff Science. This paper mainly focuses on ten principles in the field of eaters' health and shiance order. Among them, the shiology principles in the field of eaters ' health include the principle of "food brain as the king”, “different people eat differently", "eating can cause disease", "eating can cure disease", and " five senses of aesthetics of dining". The principles of shiology in shiance order field include "shiance breeds civilization", "shiance triangle", "shiance priority", "shiance behavior follows food matrix and food conversion", and "shiance order is the basis of human social order". In addition, there are also six lemmas that extend from the above principles. The ten principles are the core content of the shiology knowledge system, which play an important role in the objective principles revealed by human beings and constitute the basic principles of human civilization. To fully understand and grasp the principles of shiology principles is a golden key to solve the human shiance issues. Compared with the scientific principles of mathematics, physics, chemistry and economics, the principles of shiology have three characteristics: popularity, practicability and survivability. The principles of shiology are all around us, and everyone can understand and grasp them. Using the principles of shiology can improve the healthy life span of 8 billion people, reduce human social conflicts, reduce social involution, improve overall efficiency of social operation, and maintain the sustainable development of human beings.
Key words: law; principle; shiance; eaters; eating matters; eatology; principles of shiology
CLC Number: S-O; Document Number: A; Article Number:


Principles are the basic and essential laws,Discovering principles from objective laws is a sublimation and leap of human cognition of the objective world. A system of knowledge that reveals objective principles in different disciplines is called science. In the past 200 years, different disciplines have revealed different objective principles from different dimensions, and disciplinary cognition has greatly accelerated the processes of human cognitions of the objective world.
The objective principles of shiology are mainly reflected in three areas: food acquisition, eaters' health and shiance order. Most of the objective principles in the field of food acquisition have been revealed by Agronomy and Foodstuff Science. This paper mainly focuses on ten principles in the field of eaters' health and shiance order. The principles of shiology are the principles of shiance, and the principles of eatology are the principles of eating matters. Shiance includes eating matters, the principles of shiology include the principles of eatology. The principles of shiology are the important contents of the shiology scientific system. The principles of shiology are effective tools to solve human shiance issues, which benefit every villager on earth in the most direct and vivid ways.
I. How do humans reveal objective principles
The discovery of objective laws began with the recognition of the objective world, and cognition of the objective world, which is the reflection of the subject to the object and an iterative process from practice to cognition, and then practice to re-cognition. First of all, human beings realized the cognition of the objective world through the five senses of feel. Feeling more, there will be concepts, from the concepts of language to the concept of words. With concepts, people can communicate with each other, and communication will lead to the increase of concepts, which will produce rational cognition, and rational cognition will form a set of knowledge, and knowledge will find objective laws, and with the increase of laws, people will find principles, so is the revelation of the shiance principles.
1.1 Start with a few basic concepts
To expound the principles of shiology, which involves several basic philosophical concepts such as object, cognition, law and principle, and also several basic concepts of shiology such as food, eater, shiance, shiology, eating matter and eatology. Clarifying the connotation and extension of the above concepts is the premise of our discussion on the principles of shiology.
In philosophy, “object” refers to the objective things outside the subject, which is the object of the subject's cognition and practice (Modern Chinese Dictionary, 7th Edition)). It is opposite to "subject" and constitutes a pair of basic categories of human practice and human cognition (Ci Hai 7th Edition) in philosophy. To understand the connotation and extension of the concept of "object", we need to grasp from two aspects, the first is the relationship between object and subject, and their relationship is interdependent. In the process of cognition, the “object” is the object of the subject's cognitive activities, and the “subject” is the undertaker of cognitive activities. The second is the relationship between object and objective. Logically, "objective " belongs to the concept of attribute, and grammatically is an adjective. "Object" belongs to the entity concept, grammatically "object" is a noun. The connotation and extension of the two concepts are different, and Their relationship is incompatible. 
Cognition, knowing and understanding through thinking activities (Modern Chinese Dictionary, 7th Edition), which refers to the human cognition of objective things, the acquisition of knowledge activities including processes such as feeling, memory, speech, thinking, and imagination. According to the view of cognitive psychology, people's cognitive activity is the process of people actively processing external information to obtain knowledge (Ci Hai, 7th Edition). The relationship between cognition and knowing is identical, which are different expressions of different application scenarios. Cognition emphasizes reflection and knowing emphasizes results. Knowing is the reflection of the subject to the object, cognition is to understand and master the objective things through practice, and practice is the only standard to test the correctness of cognition.
Law, the intrinsic relationship between things (Modern Chinese Dictionary (7th Edition). Law is the essential connection and inevitable trend of the development process of things (Ci Hai, 7th Edition). Law is the connection between things, and the connection is constantly repeated. Under certain conditions, it often works, and determines that things must develop towards a certain trend. The law has the characteristics of universality and repeatability. Law is objective and inherent in things themselves. People can't create, change and destroy law, but they can know it and use it to serve human beings.
Principle, usually refers to a basic law of universal significance. Laws include principles, and principles are fundamental laws. Principle is the law with more general meaning in the law. From the point of view of quantity, laws are more than principles. From the perspective of function, the principle is more general and leading, thus playing a positive guiding role in practice and theory. The relationship between laws and principles is a generic relationship, and principles are the core content of scientific system. In different disciplines, principles are also called axioms, theorems and laws.
Food, edible substance (Modern Chinese Dictionary). Human food has always consisted of four main groups, namely plants, animals, microorganisms, and minerals. In recent 200 years, "synthetic" entered the human food chain and became the fifth type of human food, called "synthetic food" [1]. Food includes water, grain, food, vegetables, fruits, meat and eggs, drinks, oral drugs and other substances. Food has the function of satisfying hunger and curing diseases. In daily life, in order to distinguish the function of food. people call food with the function of curing diseases as oral drugs, but ignore the essential attribute of food over time.
Eater, the Modern Chinese Dictionary has no explanation for this word. Eater is the subject of shiance. This concept needs to be established in order to study the principles of shiology. Eaters are defined as "people and humans from the perspective of eating demands", not people and humans from the full perspective. Eaters are people and human beings who are known from the perspective of eating, and they are people and human beings from the perspective of eating, individual survival, health, group harmony and population sustainability. It is a dimension of recognizing the nature of human beings and the core of studying shiance issues. The issues from the eaters’ perspective are survival, health and longevity. Shiance industry professionals are people who are engaged in food production, processing, storage and transportation, and personnel engaged in shiance law, administration and education. Shiance caters are also eaters.
Shiance, the Modern Chinese Dictionary has no explanation for this word. In ancient Chinese, there was a word for shiance", which was rarely used. Shiance is defined as "the phenomenon and activities of obtaining and using food by humans." [1] Shiance not only includes eating, drinking, survival, health and other matters, but also includes food planting, breeding, cooking, fermentation, and also includes the maintenance of food order involved in the law, economy, administration, education and other things. Judging from the long history of human development, the history of shiance is far more than 5.5 million years. Shiance is not only before any other things, but also before civilization. Shiance is the most important thing for human survival. In the past, we took shiance as narrow and small matter, and confused the meaning of shiance and eating matter.
Shiology, "Modern Chinese Dictionary" does not have a definition of this word. Shiology is defined as "the body of knowledge that reveals the human objective laws of shiance." Shiology is a knowledge system that studies and solves the issues of human shiance; shiology is a science that studies the relationship and law between human and food, shiology is a knowledge system that studies the occurrence, development and law of human shiance behavior, and studies the causal relationship between human eating behavior and eating problem. It is a knowledge system to study and inherit the correct shiance behavior of human beings, correct inappropriate shiance behavior, and maintains the sustainable development.[2] For the first time, shiology summarized human shiance cognition as a whole system from three aspects of eater, food and food order. Shiology focuses on the eaters, rather than the food, and carries out the overall research on the issues of human shiance, so as to establish the overall knowledge system, which is a global public product to solve the issues of human shiance.
Eating matter, the Modern Chinese Dictionary has no explanation for this word. Eating matter is defined as "the act and result of human ingestion of food, and eating matter is one of the contents of shiance." There are three relationships between eating and individuals. One is the relationship of survival. If you do not eat, there is no life. Second, the pathogenic relationship, lacking of food, overeating, ill-balanced diets, anorexia and so on will lead to disease; the third is the relationship between disease and treatment. Daily food, herbal food, synthetic eating can treat disease. Fully meet the human body's demand for food will be healthy, against the human body's demand for food will be sick. Make yourself healthy by eating, it is not enough to ensure the quantity and quality of food, but also to have the right methods to eat. Satiation is a matter of the quantity of food; eating well is a matter of the quality and variety of food; to be healthy by eating is a matter of eating methods, because eating method can cause disease, and also can cure diseases. Respecting the differences of each individual is the essence of eating matter, and meeting the different needs of the stomach, intestine and body is the content of eating matter. The relationship between eating matter and medical matter is intersected and, the intersect point is to use the digestive system to treat diseases, oral medication is an important part of medical matter.
Eatology, the Modern Chinese Dictionary has no explanation for this word. The definition of eatology is " a body of knowledge about the whole process of transforming food into the body, and it is one of its contents of shiology. The study of eatology takes eating matter as the research object. It is a knowledge system that studies the efficiency of food utilization, how to meet and adapt to each food conversion system, how to be healthy by eating and have a long life, and how to feed oneself well. The eatology system includes eating methodology science, eating aesthetics science, diseases induced by eating science and dietotherapy science. Eating methodology is a knowledge system that studies to meet the needs of each person's food conversion system to the greatest extent, also known as shiance methodology science. Eating aesthetics science is a knowledge system that studies the harmonious relationship between eating behavior, psychology and physiology, also known as shiance aesthetics science. Diseases induced by eating science is a knowledge system that studies the relationship between food, eating method and etiology, also known as shiance diseases science. Dietotherapy science is a knowledge system that studies the relationship between food and unhealthy states of the body and its rules, also known as eating matter dietotherapy science.

    1. The objective laws that have been revealed by human beings

Human's quest to uncover objective principles has a long history and its pace has never stopped. In modern times, the pace of revealing objective principles has been greatly accelerated. Theoretically, the objective principles that have been revealed mostly exist in the scientific system, so they are also called "scientific principles". Science is a knowledge system that reveals objective principles by discipline, and is an excellent achievement of human cognition of the objective world. According to China's Discipline Classification and Code, there are currently 62 first-level disciplines, 676 second-level disciplines, and 2382 third-level disciplines [3]. The sum of these scientific systems reflects the depth and breadth of today's human cognition of the objective world. From different perspectives, different disciplines cognize the objective world and discover the objective principles in different fields. Taking the following objective principles in the field of physics, chemistry, mathematics, economics, so as to better understand the elaboration of the principles of shiology.
The objective principles revealed by physics mainly focus on the fields of material motion and basic structure of matter. For example, Newton's First Law (the Law of Inertia) states that “all bodies, when subjected to no external force, always remain at rest or in uniform linear motion." It reveals the relationship between force and motion at the macro level, so that people can accurately grasp force and its role, realize the manufacture of machinery, promote the industrial revolution, and lead to the rapid progress of modernization [4]. The objective principles revealed by chemistry are mainly concentrated in the fields of composition, structure, properties and changes of matter. For example, the Law of Conservation of Charge states that "the total positive charge of the cation in solution is equal to the total negative charge of the anion. That is, the net charge number does not change before or after a chemical reaction involving ions”. The application of chemical principles is closely related to human daily life and has made great contributions to improving the quality of human life. The objective principles revealed by mathematics are mainly concentrated in areas such as quantitative relations and spatial forms. For example, Euclid's Theorem (Projective Law) states that "in a right triangle, the height on the hypotenuse is the proportional middle term of the projection of two right Angle edges on the hypotenuse, and each right-angle edge is the proportional middle term of the projection of this right-angle edge on the hypotenuse and the hypotenuse" [5]. Mathematical principles have a high degree of abstraction, rigorous logic and a wide range of applicability. The objective principles revealed by economics are mainly concentrated in the fields of production, exchange, distribution and consumption of social goods. For example, one of the Ten Economic Principles proposed by N. Gregory Mankiw's states that "people face trade-offs," which typically noted as "There is no free lunch." Economic principles play a positive role in promoting social development [6].
The principles of each discipline listed above are the core contents supporting each discipline system. Although they observe different dimensions, focus on different objects, and express in different ways, they have a common attribute, that is, they reveal objective laws, they can help people solve problems, and the principles of shiology also need to have this attribute.
1.3 Reveal the objective principles of human shiance
Modern science is highly developed nowadays, but why don't humans live as long as mammals should? Humans, as intelligent humans famous for their large brain capacity, why are there 800 million people in the state of starvation? Why do 2 billion people get chronic diseases from eating? Why are billions of people at the risk of food insecurity? Why do social conflicts over food resources continue? As a link in the food chain, why should human beings interfere with the ecology more and more, so as to threaten their own survival and continuation? In the face of the above issues of the world and the times, can we build a harmonious world order that can last a hundred years or a thousand years? Only by revealing, mastering and utilizing the shiance principles can we solve these issues effectively and continuously.
The shiology principles in the field of eaters ' health include the principle of "food brain as the king”, “different people eat differently", "eating can cause disease", "eating can cure disease", and " five senses of aesthetics of dining". The above principles reveal the essential relationship between food, eating methods and individual survival and health. None of these principles may sound unfamiliar, but their value has never been seriously considered. By understanding these common viewpoints to the height of basic law of eating matter, grasping them to the height of eatology principles and using them actively and consciously, everyone's healthy life will be extended.
The principles of shiology in shiance order field include "shiance breeds civilization", "shiance triangle", "shiance priority", "shiance behavior follows food matrix and food conversion", and "shiance order is the basis of human social order".。These principles are the basic laws of human society and reveal the essential relationship between shiance and ecology, civilization and society. They are the major discoveries of human cognition of the objective world, and provide theoretical support for unraveling the problems of human civilization progress, social order and sustainable development. Following the above shiology principles is the cornerstone of human civilization and the foundation of human social order. Shiance order is the basis of social order. If these principles are not followed, the society will not be stable and civilization will not be sustainable.
The principles of shiology are different from the principles of physics, chemistry, mathematics and economics, and have three obvious characteristics. The first one is its popularity. The principles of shiology are not abstruse and difficult to understand. There are no abstract formulas or obscure terms. The contents of the principles of food are all around us, in our daily life. The principles of shiology are not strange, just like the description of a Chinese poem “we cannot make the true face, for we are lost in the heart of the very place”. The second one is its practicality. First of all, the principles of shiology can solve personal problems. The principles of shiology tell us that food can cause disease and can cure disease. Grasping the principles can achieve health and longevity through eating. Secondly, the principles of shiology can solve social problems. The principles of shiology deeply expound the essential relationship between shiance and civilization, and the application of its principles can promote the harmonious development of human society. The third is its survivability. The principles of shiology are not only related to the survival and health of each person, but also to the survival and development of the human population. Making good use of the principles of shiology can improve the quality of human life and support the sustainable development of human beings. Generally speaking, the principles of shiology are an important scientific discovery in the development process of human civilization.
2. Principles of shiology in the field of eaters’ health
Eater is defined as "people and humans from the perspective of eating ". Eating matter is a part of shiance, which is the behavior and result of people's intake of food. Eating matter is the basis of a person's survival, and the basis of health. Man cannot do without eating matter, without eating matter, there is no life. Eating matter determines people's survival, determines people's quality of life, and to a large extent determines people's health and longevity. Is there an inherent objective law between eating matter and human’s life? The answer is yes. So, where are these laws? History and experience tell us that people have never stopped exploring this field, but there is a lack of high-level generalization. Eating has two sides to health, eating can make people healthy and long lived, but also can cause diseases and death. Examining the history of human eating matter, if the objective law of eating matter is followed, people will be healthy and long lived. If the objective law of eating matter is violated, there will be health problems, such as the internal unbalance of the body and abnormal state of the body, and even disease.
Perhaps because of the complexity of individual differences, few people have explored the general rules in depth. In other words, the contents of the laws that have been expressed by predecessors have not attracted our attention, so that we see them every day and ignore them every day. Health is the eternal pursuit of human beings, and the principles of shiology in the field of eaters’ health are linked to the rise and fall of the health of 8 billion people and their families around the world. Understanding the two sides of eating matters, grasping the objective law of eating matters, you will grasp the initiative of your health.
As the relationships between shiance and eating matter, shiology and eatology are genera, the following five principles can be both called as the principles of eating matter and shiance; they also can be called both the shiology principles and eatology principles. They are the laws of survival, which are closely related to everyone's health and objectively regulate the health and longevity of each individual.
2.1 Principle of “food brain as the king”
The content of the principle of "food brain as the king" is that "food brain determines the survival and health of the body, the brain is developed in the process of serving the food brain The food brain commands the brain, and the brain cannot command the food brain. The relationship between them is monarch and the minister, and only the brain obeys the food brain can achieve health and longevity. Otherwise, it threatens health and survival." The principle of "food brain as the king" reveals the essential relationship between food brain and brain.
According to the Modern Chinese Dictionary, the “brain” is a part of the nervous system of human and higher animals. It is located in the cranial cavity and divided into cerebrum, cerebellum, and brainstem, which is in charge of whole-body perception, movement and thinking and memory activities. Food brain generally refers to the nerve plexus under the intestinal wall, located in the esophagus, stomach, small intestine and colon lining tissue. The food brain is also called the abdominal brain and intestinal brain. The food brain is named according to the mechanism, and the abdominal brain and intestinal brain are named according to the location. 
From the perspective of life, food brain is an intelligent system that transforms food, and brain is an intelligent system that directs behavior. The relationship between the food brain and the brain is the monarch and the minister. The food brain is the monarch and the brain is the minister. This relationship cannot be reversed. First of all, the food brain precedes the brain, and the birth of food brain can be traced back to the emergence of the true body cavity of annelids. The organs of the food conversion system were formed in the Cambrian period about 500 million years ago. The birth of the brain was marked by the appearance of the mammalian cerebral cortex about 200 million years ago. The time difference between food brain and brain formation is billions of years; Secondly, the brain evolved gradually in the process of meeting the needs of the food brain, and it served the food brain. All animals have a brain feed, and how to meet that demand and get food consistently is a very difficult task. All animals have developed brains, just in different sizes.
In the process of serving the food brain, humans found that crafty acquisition won over forcible seizure, so they went further and further in the direction of crafty acquisition, and went faster and faster, so that the brain capacity of humans far exceeded that of other animals. Therefore, the brain started from the demand of food brain, commanded by the demand of food brain, and formed in the behavior of seeking food. Today, the human brain is still the minister of the food brain, and the status of serving the food brain has not changed. The food brain maintains survival and is the basis of the existence of the brain. If the food brain exists, the brain exists; if the brain dies, the brain dies. On the contrary, if the food brain is dead, the food brain still exists, such as the vegetative patient.
In many cases, people do not eat according to their own gastrointestinal needs, but for a variety of social factors and reasons. For example, during festivals, weddings, funerals and gatherings of relatives and friends, people often eat a big meal and eat too much, without considering the feelings of the gastrointestinal tract, which is against the needs of the food brain. Over time, it will harm the health of the body. In many cases, we feel "hungry", in fact, it is not because of the needs of the stomach, but because of the greedy, which is the misleading of brain.
The brain commands the five organs of the human body to check the intake for the food brain. In the face of the magic master of chemical food additives, the five organs are often deceived by their superior magic, and the artificial synthetic food is taken as natural food and the fake and inferior food is taken as high-quality food into the body, which violates the operation mechanism of the food brain and endangers the health of human body. The principle of "food brain as the king" has been seriously ignored in the age of brain worship. People exaggerate the function of the brain and think that the brain can direct the food brain. In fact, it interferes with the food conversion system and harms the health of the body.
If you want to achieve health and longevity by eating, it is necessary to distinguish the relationship between the food brain and the brain, and adhere to the principle of "food brain as the king, brain and the five organs as the ministers". You can't put the horse before the horse, and you can't use the idea of "brain as the minister " to deal with the health problem of shiance. This kind of thinking violates the objective law, which will backfire and hurt your body.
2.2 Principle of “different people eat differently"
The principle of " different people eat differently " is that "each person's body condition is different and has been in change. Only by clearly recognizing their differences, according to the needs of their own body conditions at that time, choose the most suitable food and eating methods, can they achieve health through eating. If this principle is violated, people will become ill and their health will be threatened." The principle of " different people eat differently " reveals the essential relationship between individual health, food and eating methods.
The " different people eat differently " principle is about the coupling between food and the individual. There are 8 billion people in the world today [7], and each of them is a unique individual, and that individual changes every day and every hour. From the perspective of shiology, 8 billion people are 8 billion different food conversion systems, with 8 billion couplings to food. Recognizing the diversity of individual food needs and the variability of individual food needs before each meal is a prerequisite for the good health by eating.
The 8 billion people living in the world are not standard parts produced by one factory. In theory, 8 billion people need 8 billion "healthy eating plans". Everyone hopes to get a healthy eating plan suitable for themselves, but it is a pity that outsiders cannot design this plan, because only you know yourself best and you can only rely on yourself. The design of this health plan needs to follow the principle of "seven appropriates and two tests", that is, seven appropriate during dining and two test after dining. The “seven appropriates” mean that in the process of dining, we should consider whether it is suitable for our body from seven aspects such as quantity, type, temperature, speed, frequency, order, degree of raw and cooked food. The “two tests” refers to the observation of all kinds of excretions and body changes after dining to check whether the last meal is correct, thus forming a closed loop of dining and repeated experience to find the best coupling between oneself and food.
If you want to achieve health and longevity by eating, you can't follow what other people eat. You can't just rely on the group average of "6 grams of salt and 8 glasses of water a day" for guidance. For example, the water content of the adult human body is about 70%, and the water content of a person weighing 50 kg and a person weighing 75 kg is 35 kg and 52.5 kg respectively. The difference in body water content between the two is 17.5 kg. If each of us drink eight glasses of water a day, there would be people who would fall short and some people who would exceed what they really need. It can be seen that there is a gap between the group average and the actual individual demand. In order to reduce this gap, it is necessary to find the individual quasi-value. Industrial society advocates standards, and with a standard for all things, efficiency can be multiplied. Using a single standard for all people is wrong, and one standard cannot meet the needs of 8 billion individuals. In other words, in the matter of getting healthy through eating, relying on uniform standards and uniform quantities is not the best choice. Only by the principle “different people eat differently” can we achieve health and long-life span.
Due to the objective existence of individual differences, the cognitive paradigms of "to people" and "to things" are different. The cognitive system of "to people" must take individual differences as the premise and pursue individual quasi-values. The knowledge system thus formed should not be expressed by a standard data, but often adopts words like “appropriate, moderate and a few”, because only in this way can it be closer to the objective reality of countless individuals.
2.3 Principle of “Eating can cause disease"
The principle of "Eating can cause disease" states that "eating matter is a source of human disease. Improper food and improper eating methods can cause disease and threaten the health of the body. Eating right can prevent disease." The principle of "Eating can cause disease" reveals the essential relationship between eating matter and illness.
There are six main factors that lead to human diseases: genetics, environment, diet, temperature, exercise and mentality. Among them, genetics and environment are objective factors, while diet, temperature, exercise and mentality are subjective factors. Diet is an important aspect among the factors mentioned above. Diseases caused by eating are called eating diseases. This is a new concept that refers to the abnormal state of the body caused by improper food or improper eating methods, including diseases caused by food problems and diseases caused by eating methods. Naming diseases from the perspective of etiology has a positive significance for disease prevention compared with naming diseases from the perspective of symptoms in the past. It can point to the source of disease, so that patients are no longer at a loss in the face of disease, not only conducive to treatment, but also conducive to active prevention.
Eating diseases are mainly caused by six aspects, such as lack of food, overeating, dirty food, imbalanced dining, allergic food and anorexia. A chronic lack of food can lead to malnutrition; Eating more than the body needs is the root of many chronic diseases; The intake of unclean food will endanger the health of the body; Eating only one kind of food for a long time will lead to nutritional imbalance; The result of prolonged anorexia is also malnutrition; Food allergies are an inherent physical problem that can threaten the health of the body. Among the above six causes of diseases, the problem of "overeating" is relatively easy to be ignored. It is necessary to identify "overeating hurting the body" as a sub-principle of "eating can cause disease", which has a positive effect on coping with the problem of overeating of nearly 2 billion people in the world.
The principle of “overeating hurting the body” is that eating more food than your body needs for a long time can lead to illness. One of the main reasons for the prevalence of overeating is the "inertia of food deprivation behavior." The inertia of food deprivation traced back from the human nature of actively storing energy. The formation of the inertia of food deprivation behavior, to the human nature to actively store energy to begin with. In ancient times, humans found that most of the sweet fruits of plants were more nutritious, and found the mellow of cooked animals after fire was more resistant to hunger, and gradually formed a sweet and fragrant diet that actively stored energy. After millions of years of evolution, this habit has become an instinct written into the genes. Today, in the environment of abundant food, this nature of active energy storage leads to excessive calorie intake, but the loss of continuous hunger release scene, thus disrupting the body's mechanism and causing disease.
About health management, everyone knows the importance of "prevention first", but many people do not know where to start. Master the principle of "eating can cause disease", starting from the six disease causes, which are good tools for disease prevention. The value of the "eating can cause disease" principle lies in preventing the occurrence of diseases.
2.4 Principle of “Eating can cure disease"
The principle of "Eating can cure diseases" is that "eating is an important form of treating diseases. Using the digestive and absorption system to correct body imbalance is an ancient discovery and utilization, which can not only treat diseases caused by food, but also treat diseases by other causes." The principle of "eating can cure disease" reveals the essential relationship between eating and curing disease.
To clarify the principle of "Eating can cure disease", we must first clarify the connotation and extension of the concept of food. In the Modern Chinese Dictionary, food refers to "edible substances". Usually, in order to distinguish the different functions of food for hunger and disease treatment, people call food with disease treatment function as medicine (oral), and forget its food attributes for a long time. But in the body of knowledge of shiology, oral drugs are first and foremost regarded as food. This is because, from the point of view of the entry pathway and gastrointestinal digestion, the body does not treat it separately. According to the types of food, there are two aspects of using food to cure diseases, one is to use natural food to cure diseases, and the other is to use chemical synthetic food to cure diseases. Treating diseases with natural food is divided into treating diseases with food that feeds hunger and treating diseases with herbal food.
The principle of "eating can cure disease" includes two sub-principles: " to cure disease using the biased characteristics of food”, and " food and medicine have same effect". " To cure disease using the biased characteristics of food” to adjust the imbalance of the body to achieve the purpose of treating diseases." Modern people's cognition of food composition focuses on elements. In fact, before the invention of the microscope, people have had the recognition and utilization of the nature of food. Food nature is the original character of food. Food has characteristics, which can be divided into flatness and bias. Using biased characteristic of food to counterbalance biased characteristic of human body so as to prevent and treat diseases.
The function of “to cure disease using the biased characteristics of food” is manifested in three aspects: the first is to regulate the sub-balance of the body, inhibit the development of disease; The second one is to cure "eating diseases" and restore health; Thirdly, it can cure diseases resulted from other causes and restore health. The cognition and utilization of food bias is the wisdom accumulated by human beings for thousands of years, but it has not attracted enough attention. Treating diseases with natural foods has few side effects and low cost. The earlier of food bias cognition and the earlier of use, people can benefit from them earlier.
It is a common human behavior to treat diseases with biased food. Before the appearance of chemical synthetic food (oral medicine), people all over the world understood and grasped the role of food bias to varying degrees in the process of fighting against diseases, and used it to treat diseases. In this field, Chinese people have accumulated rich experience, revealed the objective law between food nature and disease, and formed a relatively complete knowledge system, which has the three elements of science. This knowledge system has not only contributed greatly to the development and continuation of the Chinese nation, but also played a positive role in human health.
In traditional Chinese culture, there is a view of " medicine and food are originated from same source ". I have also argued that food is the origin of medicine, emphasizing the sequence of food and drug discovery in early human life. In fact, there is another essential relationship between food and oral drugs that has been neglected, which is the "food and medicine are the same". As a sub-principle of "eating can cure diseases", " food and medicine are the same " means that "both food and oral drugs are ingested and act on the survival and health of the body through the gastrointestinal tract, and the body has no separate organ to deal with their partitions, and the operating mechanism of the two is essentially the same. In principle, both work by exploiting the relationship between food conversion systems and survival and health. Understand this, and choose the right foods, you will take fewer drugs.
The principle of "eating can cure disease" tells us that we should comprehensively understand the general law between food intake and physical health, detect the signs of disease early, grasp the basic order of curing disease by eating, firstly food to satisfy hunger, then herbal food and then synthetic food. The core criterion to measure the quality of medical treatment and a hospital is high curative effect and low cost, rather than anything else. Treating diseases by eating has the features.

2.5 Principle of “five senses of eating aesthetics "
The principle of " five senses of eating aesthetics " is that "eating is the five senses of aesthetics, which is perceived through taste, smell, touch, sight and hearing. It is an aesthetic process based on smell, taste and touch (oral), supplemented by sight and hearing. The aesthetic response to eating is binary, namely psychological response and physiological response, emphasizing the unity of delicious and healthy." The principle of "Five senses of Eating aesthetics " reveals the essential relationship between eating and aesthetics.
Painting and sculpture are visual aesthetic, music and song are auditory aesthetic, film and drama are audiovisual aesthetic. Only eating is an aesthetic form that requires taste, smell, touch, sight and hearing. The essence of the five senses of aesthetics is a 3+2 relationship. Taste, smell and touch are the core of eating aesthetics, while vision and hearing are the auxiliary of aesthetics, because blind people without vision and deaf people without hearing can still feel beauty and get healthy through eating. Eating aesthetics is also called food aesthetics.
Traditional aesthetic theory only acknowledges the aesthetic functions of sight and hearing, but does not include taste, smell and touch. In fact, the human aesthetic derives from taste rather than sight. The proposed principle of " five senses of eating aesthetics " reveals the objective law and breaks the imprisonment of traditional aesthetic theory. Human beings perceive the information of the outside world through the five senses, will produce pleasure or aversion experience, no matter you are rich or poor. The taste, smell, touch, shape, color and sound of food act on people's five senses at the same time, which is not possessed by other forms of aesthetics. It is a kind of full-sense art.
In real life, when people praise the artistry of a dish, they often talk about the visual effect, which is the inertia of visual aesthetic ruling the art world. In fact, there is a very big gap between the visual effect of dishes and the visual effect

of paintings and sculptures. It is a kind of prejudice and misdirection to evaluate the aesthetic activity of eating aesthetic with visual aesthetics, and it also goes against the objective law.
People who are proficient in eating aesthetics are called gourmets. Gourmets have two categories: creation and appreciation, which can be divided into five kinds of gourmets. People who are proficient in making culinary products are called culinary gourmets, also known as culinary artists; People who are proficient in making fermented products are fermentation gourmets, also known as fermentation artists; People who are proficient in food tasting are gourmets, also known as traditional gourmets; People who are both proficient in food tasting and able to get health are called modern gourmets, also known as health gourmets; People who know how to create food and appreciate food, and can get health through eating are great gourmets.
From the perspective of shiology, the first sign of a gourmet in the field of appreciation is to live longer and healthier than non- gourmets. Failing this, the non- gourmet is still alive while the gourmet dies prematurely, which can only be regarded as a professional "foodie". This kind of "foodie" is admirable in times of food shortage, but outdated in times of abundant food. Modern society needs to set up a new gourmet idol to lead people to eat healthy.
From the "two senses" to the "five senses", from the " unitary’ to ‘binary’, which is a complete revelation of the objective law of eating aesthetic and the complement and perfection of the traditional aesthetic theory, its greatest value is the unity of delicious and healthy, whose greatest value is the unity of delicious and healthy, so that everyone can enjoy food while living healthier, longer life.
3. Principles of shiology in the field of shiance order
Shiance is the basic activity of human society. Shiance not only determines the life and death of each individual, but also determines the rise and fall of human society, the harmony or conflict of human society, the continuation or cessation of human society. From the social point of view, do the shiance activities have internal running laws? The answer is yes. So, what are these laws? Looking back on the history of human developments, it can be seen that the period of peace and prosperity was when everything followed the objective laws of shiance. When everything went against the objective laws of shiance, it was a historical period with constant conflicts and wars. Perhaps because the shiance order is so common, few people deeply observe its internal objective laws. In other words, we lack a summary of previous observations and cognitions.
The principles in the field of shiology are related to the rise and fall of the world's population of 8 billion people. The following five principles may not sound esoteric, but they are the cornerstones of human civilization. Shiance order is the main body of social order, without the support of shiance order, all orders will fall apart. If we can build a shiance order that takes care of 8 billion people, the management effects of shiance issues can be maintained for hundreds of years and even thousands of years. People are born without the interferences of shiance issues and know that their children and grandchildren will not have shiance issues. At that time, conflicts in human society will be greatly reduced and human civilization will enter a brand-new era.
3.1 Principle of "shiance breeds civilization"
The principle of "shiance breeds civilization" is that "shiance precedes civilization, and shiance breeds civilization. Shiance is the foundation of civilization, shiance sustains the continuation of civilization. Improper shiance behaviors will threaten the continuation of civilization." The principle of " shiance breeds civilization " reveals the essential relationship between shiance and civilization.
Shiance is not only related to human survival and health, but also related to the origin and development of human civilization. The relationship between shiance and civilization has been neglected. The origin of human civilization has two stages, namely the stage of civilization elements and the stage of civilization society. The formation of civilization elements originated from the behavior of Homo sapiens to obtain food. Civilized society began with the domestication of food. Civilization comes from food, and shiance is the driving force of human civilization origin.
The six elements of civilization were formed between 10,000 and 5.5 million years ago. Wisdom, beauty, propriety, power, order and heirs all originated from the process of obtaining food. Shiance was the source of wisdom. In the early days of human beings, when they came from trees to the ground, they were weak in body. When faced with many threats from animals of greater weight, they had to rely on mass fighting, traps and cudgels to fight against them, which was the beginning of human wisdom. Making and using tools to obtain food has become the key to human wisdom; Beauty came from food. At the beginning of human being, there was no sense of beauty. Aesthetic feeling is human's favorable impression of the objective world. Man's earliest sense of beauty came from the taste of food, from the sweetness of the plant fruits and the fragrance of cooked animals; Propriety came from shiance. The core of propriety is humility. It must be food, rather than other things, that man first gave way to. Food is the beginning of human etiquette. Respect is an important content of etiquette. Giving food to others is the beginning of human etiquette. Respect is an important content of etiquette. Whether to worship people, heaven or God, food is indispensable; Power came from shiance. When you control food, you gain the respect and obedience, which is power. For example, Ding was originally used as eating utensils in China, but later evolved into a symbol of power, which proves this truth. An heir came from shiance. Flourishing population depends on food, and the survival of a community depends above all on a sustainable supply of food. No food, no inheritance, no descendants. Storing food for our children and grandchildren, storing food resources was the first issue of inheritance.
Civilized society emerged from the domestication of food 10,000 years ago.  The domestication of food allowed people to settle down and accumulate grain. Social division of labor and social strata emerged, as well as the appearance of cities, writing and bronze wares. The domestication of food was the beginning of human civilization.
Shiance is the core content of human civilization, which determines survival and life, everyone's quality of life, and the harmony and stability of social order. The expression of human civilization today is more colorful and unruly, and sometimes seems to stray far from the original intent of civilization. Shiance is the mainstay of human civilization, as it was in the past, as it is today. Without the sustenance of shiance, all forms of civilization would fall apart. Today's civilization is not the civilization of mankind as a whole, because there are still 800 million hungry people on the earth. A comprehensive and complete solution to the shiance issues is the primary symbol of human civilization as a whole.
Shiance is the cornerstone of continuous human civilization. On September 25, 2015, the United Nations Sustainable Development Summit was held in New York. The 193 member states of the United Nations formally adopted the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) [8] at the summit, aiming at thoroughly solving the development problems of social, economic and environmental dimensions in a comprehensive way, and shifting them to the path of sustainable development. Its primary goal is to end hunger in every corner of the world. Among the 17 goals, 12 are related to shiance, indicating that shiance issues are an important factor threatening sustainable development. On June 24, 2019, the World Shiology Forum issued the Awaji Island Declaration at the G20 Summit in Osaka, reaching four major consensuses on solving shiance issues, and the first of which is that "effective solution of shiance issues is a prerequisite for sustainable human development". How to deal with the relationship between shiance and civilization determines the future of human civilization.
3.2 Principle of "shiance triangle”
The principle of "Shiance Triangle" is that "the scope of human shiance is developed among the food maternal system, shiance behavior system and food conversion system. The shiance behavior system takes food from the maternal food system for use by the food conversion system, which excretes and eventually degrades food from the body back into the maternal food system. The resulting triangle reflects the boundaries of human shiance (As shown in Figure 1), and the whole picture of shiance cannot be formed by the absence of any part." The principle of "Shiance Triangle" reveals the essential relationship between human shiance and nature.
The "shiance triangle" elaborates the boundaries of human shiance activities and establishes the whole of human shiance activities, so as to get rid of the awkward situation of partial cognition of shiance activities in the past and provides theoretical support for the comprehensive cognition of shiance activities.

The "Shiance triangle" elaborates the boundaries of human shiance activities and establishes the whole of human shiance activities, to get rid of the awkward situation of partial cognition of shiance activities in the past and provides theoretical support for the comprehensive cognition of shiance issues.
The maternal food system is natural and formed about 65 million years ago. It is the source system of food, the ecosystem of food, and it is a "big system" shared by all mankind. The shiance behavior system is social. Shiance behavior system is a group of "layer system" from less to more, from small to large. Human shiance behavior is multilevel, from a person's shiance behavior system, a family's shiance behavior system, a group's shiance behavior system, to a country's shiance behavior system, and then to the global village's shiance behavior system. It's multi-tiered and includes multiple systems, there are 8 billion people in the world today, so there are 8 billion food conversion systems, which are "Microsystems."
As can be seen from the above, 8 billion food conversion systems share one food maternal system through the shiance behavior system. Although our individual, family, regional and national interests are different, we share the same interests when facing the food maternal system; Although our families, regions, countries and ethnic cultures are different, we have the same needs in the food maternal system. It can be said that human beings share one "food maternal system", which is the material foundation of the theory of "Community of shared future for mankind".
The Principle of Shiance Tringle reveals the basic running track of human survival, food acquisition and food utilization in nature, provides theoretical support for a comprehensive understanding of shiance and an overall solution to shiance issues.
3.3 Principle of “Shiance Priority”
The principle of "Shiance Priority" is that "Shiance has a long history and before other matters. Shiance is a matter of survival, so survival comes first, and life comes second. Only shiance comes first, the country is peaceful, and the people live a stable life. If other matters come first, there will be incoherence and confusion." The principle of "Shiance Priority" reveals the essential relationship between food and other things.
We need to put shiance first and other matters after it. Shiance is the first thing for human survival and should be given priority. If other matters come first, it will threaten the survival and sustainability of mankind. The other matters referred here include matter of clothing, housing, transportation, medicine, communications, finance, aerospace, military, and so on. From the long history of human development, the shiance emerged not only before all other matters, but also before civilization. Civilization originated from shiance, as well as all other matters. Shiance has a long history. Civilization emerged after shiance. Shiance came first, the other matters followed, which is an objective fact that has existed for a long time and cannot be changed and a persistent objective law that cannot be changed.
After entering industrial society, science and technology developed rapidly and satisfied human desires, while other matters also increased. Under the principle of business competition, it seems that there are many urgent things to be solved now, which are more urgent than shiance. Under the operating mechanism of this society, people often unconsciously make the decisions of putting “other matters first" and put shiance behind them, which is very dangerous. The consequence of putting “other matters first" is that the present problems are solved, but the problems of the future become more and more complex. In the long run and, the behavior putting “other matters first" will not only reduce the overall operating efficiency of the society, but also threaten the health of individuals and the sustainability of the population. The principle of "Shiance priority" summarizes the basic law of human social activities and is one of the important objective laws of human society. This principle summarizes the weight of important things in human behavior and reveals the objective law of sustainable development of human society.
In addition, the Shiance priority principle can be extended to some lemmas. For example, the principle of "Eating before medical treating" is that "shiance is the upstream of health management, while medical treating is the downstream of health management. Grasp the upstream management can achieve twice the result with half the effort, but grasping the downstream management is twice the effort can only achieve a half result.  Shiance is indispensable to medical management." This lemma reveals the essential relationship between shiance and matter of medicine. Clarifying the relationship between shiance and medical matters is the key to grasp the initiative of health management. Shiance is active health management and medicine is passive health management. Active health management has low cost and high efficiency, while passive health management has high cost and low efficiency, but the reality is very embarrassing. As far as health is mentioned, the first thing people think of is medical treatment or just medical treatment, as if health management is medical treatment. In fact, people cannot live without shiance from birth to death. Healthy people do not need medical care, but only need medical care after they get sick. Besides, shiance also has the function of curing diseases, so the importance of shiance is far greater than that of medical care in health management.
3.4 Principle of "Shiance behavior follows food matrix and food conversion”
The content of the principle of "Shiance behavior follows food matrix and food conversion " is that "human shiance behavior must follow the operating rules of the food conversion system in order to be healthy and long lived, and must follow the operating rules of the food maternal system in order to be sustainable. Human shiance behavior should not be capricious. Only by correcting improper behavior of human food in time can human beings survive better and develop sustainably.’’ The principle of " Shiance behavior follows food matrix and food conversion " reveals the essential relationship between human shiance behavior and natural mechanism.
Historically, Phanerozoic ecosystems formed around 540 million years ago, during which time there were five mass extinctions. Today's food maternal system was formed about 65 million years ago, the human food conversion system was formed about 25 million years ago, and the Homo sapiens shiance behavior system was formed about 5.5 million years ago. In other words, there is a big difference in the formation time of these three systems. The formation time of the human shiance system is more than 10 times later than that of the food maternal system and the food conversion system. Therefore, human food behavior cannot be capricious, and must accept the constraints from two aspects, one is to follow the objective laws of food conversion system constraints to maintain and improve the health and longevity of human individuals; Besides, the objective laws of food maternal system should be followed to maintain and prolong the continuation of human population.
Human beings are at the top of the biological chain. If the maternal food system is destroyed, it will be passed on step by step, which will accumulate and harm human beings. The food conversion system is the life system of everyone. If the operation mechanism of the food conversion system is violated, the life quality of people will be seriously decreased until the early end, and they will not be able to achieve health and longevity. Human eating behavior must follow these two operating mechanisms and cannot challenge these two operating mechanisms. Only by adapting to them and following them can each individual be healthy and the population sustainable.
Many human behaviors in the past 300 years have brought great pressure to the food maternal system, interfered with the operating mechanism of the food matrix, and brought a lot of harm to the food conversion system. Especially since the chemical synthetic substances entered the food chain, they have improved the efficiency of food production and the sensory effect of food but brought great threats to the food ecology and individual health. This is a classic case that challenges the principle of " Shiance behavior follows food matrix and food conversion ".
The principle of " Shiance behavior follows food matrix and food conversion” warns us that we should always reflect on our shiance behaviors and correct improper food behaviors in time. Only in this way can we improve the level of individual health and maintain the sustainable development of population.
3.5 Principle of "Shiance order is the basis of human social order".
The principle of “Shiance order is the basis of human social order" states that "human social order originates from the distribution of food and the possession of food resources. Shiance order is survival order and is earlier than social order. Shiance order is the foundation of social order. Without shiance order, all the other orders will collapse in an instant, and so will the civilization." The principle of "Shiance order is the basis of human social order " reveals the essential relationship between shiance and social order.
Shiance order is the manifestation of the organization, continuity, and efficiency of food system. Shiance order is the initial form of human order, the basis of all orders, and the premise of sustainable human development. According to the Global Food Crisis Report 2021 [9] released by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), at least 155 million people in the world is facing severe grain insecurity in 2020, the highest level in the past five years. Severe grain insecurity is defined as the immediate danger to human life or livelihoods due to the inability to have enough food. Due to conflict, COVID-19, extreme weather and other factors, severe grain insecurity issues have been intensifying globally in recent years. The conflict between Russia and Ukraine could push up to 1.7 billion people into poverty and hunger, more than one-fifth of the global population [10]. Food shortage is an important cause of social conflicts and disorder of shiance order is an important cause of social unrest. Without the harmony of shiance order, there can be no harmony of social order.
The principle of "Shiance order is the basis of human social order " reveals the basic law of the construction of human social order. Without rational distribution of food and reasonable possession of food resources, there is no harmonious shiance order. Without harmonious shiance order, there is no harmonious social order, and shiance order is the core content of social order. From a worldwide perspective, this relationship is grossly underestimated. Many of the conflicts that exist in the world today seem, on the surface, to have nothing to do with food, and seem to be a struggle for non-food resources. In fact, when you lift the veil, it is not difficult to find that the bottom of the competition is still food resources. To build a harmonious social order, the first thing is to build shiance order. Building a new order that takes care of the shiance welfare of 8 billion people is the basis for the evolution of the 21st century world order.
Revealing the objective principles is a very important link in the process of human cognition of the objective world and is the core of the three necessary conditions for constructing the scientific system. Conversely, the construction of knowledge system must reveal objective principles, and the knowledge system is immature without revealing objective principles. Revealing and grasping the objective principles is the only way to solve human problems. The more objective principles humans reveal, the better their ability to solve problems. If human behaviors go against objective principles, mistakes will occur, and human beings will face more problems and even perish. There is still a long way to go for human cognition of the objective world. There are still many cognitive dimensions that have not been opened and countless objective principles to be discovered. The ten shiology principles mentioned above are the cognitive achievements of a new dimension.
The survival and health of individuals cannot be separated from shiance. Revealing and grasping the shiance principles can improve the quality of life of individuals. The principle of “Body transformed from food” tells us that food determines life and death. The principle of "Different people eat differently" tells us to find the best coupling between the body and food. The principle of “eating can cause disease" tells us that we must prevent eating diseases, The principle of "eating can cure disease" tells us that diseases can be cured by eating. The principle of “Aesthetics of Five Senses” tells us that delicious and health should be unified. The above five principles all revolve around individual eating matters. If people can fully use these five principles, people will not get sick, reduce the chance of getting sick, but also can cure diseases by eating, so that your healthy life can be improved by 1-5 years can be realized. If everyone around the world learned to use these five principles, an additional one to five years of healthy life expectancy for 8 billion people could be achieved. At the same time, it can also save family medical expenses, reduce the burden of national medical insurance and save social medical resources. There is great value in these five easy-to-understand principles.
Shiance is the driving force of human civilization. Human civilization cannot do without food, which was yesterday, is today, and will be tomorrow. Food distribution and possession of food resources are the basis of social order. The principle of "Food breeds civilization" reveals the relationship between food and civilization; the principle of "Shiance triangle" emphasizes the cognition of the integrity of food and civilization; the principle of "Shiance priority" expounds the harm if other matters come first; the principle of " Shiance behavior follows food matrix and food conversion " warns us to correct improper food and affairs behavior in time; and the principle of " Shiance order is the basis of human social order " clarifies that shiance order is the foundation of all orders. These five principles all revolve around human civilization and order. If we can make full use of these five principles and make food resources in a bright and scientific way, the world shiance conflicts can be greatly reduced, and a world shiance order that takes care of the interests of 8 billion people can be built. With the new shiance order, the iteration of the overall social order will be driven by human civilization to a new level. The relationship between shiology principles and civilization has been underestimated.
As a knowledge system of shiance cognition, shiology takes finding objective principles of shiance as its mission. The above ten principles of shiology are the important contents of the scientific system of shiology. To understand these principles is the need of constructing the knowledge system of shiology, and to master these principles is the need of solving the shiance issues. Although the principles of shiology are not as profound as the principles of physics, not as rigorous as that of mathematical principles, but it is closely related to the health and longevity of 8 billion people, and it is closely related to the sustainable development of human society. From this point of view, shiology as a scientific principle, its social value is no less than that of other disciplines.
On the issue of food, human beings have four major consensuses: "Everyone needs food, people need food every day, people taking food for longevity, and people taking food for human breeding." From a survival perspective, everyone wants to live longer and healthier lives. From the perspective of the development of human civilization, there are constant conflicts in human society, the process of globalization of diversity is hindered, and the sustainable development of mankind is threatened. Facing these problems, man needs greater wisdom. Shiology has revealed the shiance principles that are necessary for human survival, constituted the basis of human civilization, and provided irreplaceable theoretical tools to solve the problems of human food acquisition, food health and social order. A comprehensive and thorough solution to the shiance issues of the world is the beginning of mankind's progress towards overall civilization.
Entering the 21st century, the differentiation and synthesis of modern sciences are parallel. Cognizing of the objective world by different disciplines also has shortcomings, because there are blanks and blind areas between the different disciplines. Therefore, cognizing of the objective world by different disciplines is a limited expression of human cognition. is not the end of human cognition of the objective world, but an inevitable process There are still many blind spots in human cognition of the objective world, and the road of human cognition of the objective world is still bumpy. The ability of human beings to reveal objective principles is limited, and human beings are always on the way to fully understand the objective world. The objective world is out there, whether human beings perceive it or not, and it is related to human survival, to the quality of human existence, and to the sustainable development of human beings. For what purpose does man reveal objective principles? It is to make human beings live better and longer in this objective world, not to destroy human beings. This original intention should not be forgotten. Today, due to the disordered competition within human beings, many scientific principles are maliciously and irrationally used, and the loss of control of science and technology has become a major threat to human survival.
Food determines life and life is paramount. Food supports life and creates all values. Food value is the basis of all values. Listen to the body's food demands and to achieve a long and healthy life by eating. Shiance breeds civilization, and civilization shines brightly. Shiance supports civilization to construct all orders, and shiance order is the foundation of all orders. Correct improper food behavior and realize sustainable development of civilization. Shiology principles change you and me, shiology principles change the world.
【Translated from Journal of Shanxi Agricultural University (Social Science Edition) No. 1, 2023)】
Reference books and articles
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Principles of Shiology
-- Revealing the basic laws of human shiance

Biography of the author: Liu Guangwei, Director of Research Center for Shiology, Renmin University of China; founder of the SHIOLOGY discipline system; President of Beijing Shiology Research Institute; Director-General of World Shiology Forum; Director of Expert Committee of Chinese Catering Brand Cluster. Research fields: Shiance issues, holistic management of shiance issues, construction of shiology science system.

Abstract: Principles are the basic and essential laws. Discovering principles from objective laws is a sublimation of human cognition of the objective world. A system of knowledge that reveals objective principles in different disciplines is called science. Revealing objective principles is a significant part in the process of human cognition of the objective world, and it is the core of the three necessary conditions for constructing a scientific system. Conversely, the construction of a knowledge system must reveal objective principles, and a knowledge system that does not reveal objective principles is a castle in the air. The objective principles of shiology are mainly reflected in three areas: food acquisition, eaters' health and shiance order. Most of the objective principles in the field of food acquisition have been revealed by Agronomy and Foodstuff Science. This paper mainly focuses on ten principles in the field of eaters' health and shiance order. Among them, the shiology principles in the field of eaters ' health include the principle of "food brain as the king”, “different people eat differently", "eating can cause disease", "eating can cure disease", and " five senses of aesthetics of dining". The principles of shiology in shiance order field include "shiance breeds civilization", "shiance triangle", "shiance priority", "shiance behavior follows food matrix and food conversion", and "shiance order is the basis of human social order". In addition, there are also six lemmas that extend from the above principles. The ten principles are the core content of the shiology knowledge system, which play an important role in the objective principles revealed by human beings and constitute the basic principles of human civilization. To fully understand and grasp the principles of shiology principles is a golden key to solve the human shiance issues. Compared with the scientific principles of mathematics, physics, chemistry and economics, the principles of shiology have three characteristics: popularity, practicability and survivability. The principles of shiology are all around us, and everyone can understand and grasp them. Using the principles of shiology can improve the healthy life span of 8 billion people, reduce human social conflicts, reduce social involution, improve overall efficiency of social operation, and maintain the sustainable development of human beings.
Key words: law; principle; shiance; eaters; eating matters; eatology; principles of shiology
CLC Number: S-O; Document Number: A; Article Number:


Principles are the basic and essential laws,Discovering principles from objective laws is a sublimation and leap of human cognition of the objective world. A system of knowledge that reveals objective principles in different disciplines is called science. In the past 200 years, different disciplines have revealed different objective principles from different dimensions, and disciplinary cognition has greatly accelerated the processes of human cognitions of the objective world.
The objective principles of shiology are mainly reflected in three areas: food acquisition, eaters' health and shiance order. Most of the objective principles in the field of food acquisition have been revealed by Agronomy and Foodstuff Science. This paper mainly focuses on ten principles in the field of eaters' health and shiance order. The principles of shiology are the principles of shiance, and the principles of eatology are the principles of eating matters. Shiance includes eating matters, the principles of shiology include the principles of eatology. The principles of shiology are the important contents of the shiology scientific system. The principles of shiology are effective tools to solve human shiance issues, which benefit every villager on earth in the most direct and vivid ways.
I. How do humans reveal objective principles
The discovery of objective laws began with the recognition of the objective world, and cognition of the objective world, which is the reflection of the subject to the object and an iterative process from practice to cognition, and then practice to re-cognition. First of all, human beings realized the cognition of the objective world through the five senses of feel. Feeling more, there will be concepts, from the concepts of language to the concept of words. With concepts, people can communicate with each other, and communication will lead to the increase of concepts, which will produce rational cognition, and rational cognition will form a set of knowledge, and knowledge will find objective laws, and with the increase of laws, people will find principles, so is the revelation of the shiance principles.
1.1 Start with a few basic concepts
To expound the principles of shiology, which involves several basic philosophical concepts such as object, cognition, law and principle, and also several basic concepts of shiology such as food, eater, shiance, shiology, eating matter and eatology. Clarifying the connotation and extension of the above concepts is the premise of our discussion on the principles of shiology.
In philosophy, “object” refers to the objective things outside the subject, which is the object of the subject's cognition and practice (Modern Chinese Dictionary, 7th Edition)). It is opposite to "subject" and constitutes a pair of basic categories of human practice and human cognition (Ci Hai 7th Edition) in philosophy. To understand the connotation and extension of the concept of "object", we need to grasp from two aspects, the first is the relationship between object and subject, and their relationship is interdependent. In the process of cognition, the “object” is the object of the subject's cognitive activities, and the “subject” is the undertaker of cognitive activities. The second is the relationship between object and objective. Logically, "objective " belongs to the concept of attribute, and grammatically is an adjective. "Object" belongs to the entity concept, grammatically "object" is a noun. The connotation and extension of the two concepts are different, and Their relationship is incompatible. 
Cognition, knowing and understanding through thinking activities (Modern Chinese Dictionary, 7th Edition), which refers to the human cognition of objective things, the acquisition of knowledge activities including processes such as feeling, memory, speech, thinking, and imagination. According to the view of cognitive psychology, people's cognitive activity is the process of people actively processing external information to obtain knowledge (Ci Hai, 7th Edition). The relationship between cognition and knowing is identical, which are different expressions of different application scenarios. Cognition emphasizes reflection and knowing emphasizes results. Knowing is the reflection of the subject to the object, cognition is to understand and master the objective things through practice, and practice is the only standard to test the correctness of cognition.
Law, the intrinsic relationship between things (Modern Chinese Dictionary (7th Edition). Law is the essential connection and inevitable trend of the development process of things (Ci Hai, 7th Edition). Law is the connection between things, and the connection is constantly repeated. Under certain conditions, it often works, and determines that things must develop towards a certain trend. The law has the characteristics of universality and repeatability. Law is objective and inherent in things themselves. People can't create, change and destroy law, but they can know it and use it to serve human beings.
Principle, usually refers to a basic law of universal significance. Laws include principles, and principles are fundamental laws. Principle is the law with more general meaning in the law. From the point of view of quantity, laws are more than principles. From the perspective of function, the principle is more general and leading, thus playing a positive guiding role in practice and theory. The relationship between laws and principles is a generic relationship, and principles are the core content of scientific system. In different disciplines, principles are also called axioms, theorems and laws.
Food, edible substance (Modern Chinese Dictionary). Human food has always consisted of four main groups, namely plants, animals, microorganisms, and minerals. In recent 200 years, "synthetic" entered the human food chain and became the fifth type of human food, called "synthetic food" [1]. Food includes water, grain, food, vegetables, fruits, meat and eggs, drinks, oral drugs and other substances. Food has the function of satisfying hunger and curing diseases. In daily life, in order to distinguish the function of food. people call food with the function of curing diseases as oral drugs, but ignore the essential attribute of food over time.
Eater, the Modern Chinese Dictionary has no explanation for this word. Eater is the subject of shiance. This concept needs to be established in order to study the principles of shiology. Eaters are defined as "people and humans from the perspective of eating demands", not people and humans from the full perspective. Eaters are people and human beings who are known from the perspective of eating, and they are people and human beings from the perspective of eating, individual survival, health, group harmony and population sustainability. It is a dimension of recognizing the nature of human beings and the core of studying shiance issues. The issues from the eaters’ perspective are survival, health and longevity. Shiance industry professionals are people who are engaged in food production, processing, storage and transportation, and personnel engaged in shiance law, administration and education. Shiance caters are also eaters.
Shiance, the Modern Chinese Dictionary has no explanation for this word. In ancient Chinese, there was a word for shiance", which was rarely used. Shiance is defined as "the phenomenon and activities of obtaining and using food by humans." [1] Shiance not only includes eating, drinking, survival, health and other matters, but also includes food planting, breeding, cooking, fermentation, and also includes the maintenance of food order involved in the law, economy, administration, education and other things. Judging from the long history of human development, the history of shiance is far more than 5.5 million years. Shiance is not only before any other things, but also before civilization. Shiance is the most important thing for human survival. In the past, we took shiance as narrow and small matter, and confused the meaning of shiance and eating matter.
Shiology, "Modern Chinese Dictionary" does not have a definition of this word. Shiology is defined as "the body of knowledge that reveals the human objective laws of shiance." Shiology is a knowledge system that studies and solves the issues of human shiance; shiology is a science that studies the relationship and law between human and food, shiology is a knowledge system that studies the occurrence, development and law of human shiance behavior, and studies the causal relationship between human eating behavior and eating problem. It is a knowledge system to study and inherit the correct shiance behavior of human beings, correct inappropriate shiance behavior, and maintains the sustainable development.[2] For the first time, shiology summarized human shiance cognition as a whole system from three aspects of eater, food and food order. Shiology focuses on the eaters, rather than the food, and carries out the overall research on the issues of human shiance, so as to establish the overall knowledge system, which is a global public product to solve the issues of human shiance.
Eating matter, the Modern Chinese Dictionary has no explanation for this word. Eating matter is defined as "the act and result of human ingestion of food, and eating matter is one of the contents of shiance." There are three relationships between eating and individuals. One is the relationship of survival. If you do not eat, there is no life. Second, the pathogenic relationship, lacking of food, overeating, ill-balanced diets, anorexia and so on will lead to disease; the third is the relationship between disease and treatment. Daily food, herbal food, synthetic eating can treat disease. Fully meet the human body's demand for food will be healthy, against the human body's demand for food will be sick. Make yourself healthy by eating, it is not enough to ensure the quantity and quality of food, but also to have the right methods to eat. Satiation is a matter of the quantity of food; eating well is a matter of the quality and variety of food; to be healthy by eating is a matter of eating methods, because eating method can cause disease, and also can cure diseases. Respecting the differences of each individual is the essence of eating matter, and meeting the different needs of the stomach, intestine and body is the content of eating matter. The relationship between eating matter and medical matter is intersected and, the intersect point is to use the digestive system to treat diseases, oral medication is an important part of medical matter.
Eatology, the Modern Chinese Dictionary has no explanation for this word. The definition of eatology is " a body of knowledge about the whole process of transforming food into the body, and it is one of its contents of shiology. The study of eatology takes eating matter as the research object. It is a knowledge system that studies the efficiency of food utilization, how to meet and adapt to each food conversion system, how to be healthy by eating and have a long life, and how to feed oneself well. The eatology system includes eating methodology science, eating aesthetics science, diseases induced by eating science and dietotherapy science. Eating methodology is a knowledge system that studies to meet the needs of each person's food conversion system to the greatest extent, also known as shiance methodology science. Eating aesthetics science is a knowledge system that studies the harmonious relationship between eating behavior, psychology and physiology, also known as shiance aesthetics science. Diseases induced by eating science is a knowledge system that studies the relationship between food, eating method and etiology, also known as shiance diseases science. Dietotherapy science is a knowledge system that studies the relationship between food and unhealthy states of the body and its rules, also known as eating matter dietotherapy science.

    1. The objective laws that have been revealed by human beings

Human's quest to uncover objective principles has a long history and its pace has never stopped. In modern times, the pace of revealing objective principles has been greatly accelerated. Theoretically, the objective principles that have been revealed mostly exist in the scientific system, so they are also called "scientific principles". Science is a knowledge system that reveals objective principles by discipline, and is an excellent achievement of human cognition of the objective world. According to China's Discipline Classification and Code, there are currently 62 first-level disciplines, 676 second-level disciplines, and 2382 third-level disciplines [3]. The sum of these scientific systems reflects the depth and breadth of today's human cognition of the objective world. From different perspectives, different disciplines cognize the objective world and discover the objective principles in different fields. Taking the following objective principles in the field of physics, chemistry, mathematics, economics, so as to better understand the elaboration of the principles of shiology.
The objective principles revealed by physics mainly focus on the fields of material motion and basic structure of matter. For example, Newton's First Law (the Law of Inertia) states that “all bodies, when subjected to no external force, always remain at rest or in uniform linear motion." It reveals the relationship between force and motion at the macro level, so that people can accurately grasp force and its role, realize the manufacture of machinery, promote the industrial revolution, and lead to the rapid progress of modernization [4]. The objective principles revealed by chemistry are mainly concentrated in the fields of composition, structure, properties and changes of matter. For example, the Law of Conservation of Charge states that "the total positive charge of the cation in solution is equal to the total negative charge of the anion. That is, the net charge number does not change before or after a chemical reaction involving ions”. The application of chemical principles is closely related to human daily life and has made great contributions to improving the quality of human life. The objective principles revealed by mathematics are mainly concentrated in areas such as quantitative relations and spatial forms. For example, Euclid's Theorem (Projective Law) states that "in a right triangle, the height on the hypotenuse is the proportional middle term of the projection of two right Angle edges on the hypotenuse, and each right-angle edge is the proportional middle term of the projection of this right-angle edge on the hypotenuse and the hypotenuse" [5]. Mathematical principles have a high degree of abstraction, rigorous logic and a wide range of applicability. The objective principles revealed by economics are mainly concentrated in the fields of production, exchange, distribution and consumption of social goods. For example, one of the Ten Economic Principles proposed by N. Gregory Mankiw's states that "people face trade-offs," which typically noted as "There is no free lunch." Economic principles play a positive role in promoting social development [6].
The principles of each discipline listed above are the core contents supporting each discipline system. Although they observe different dimensions, focus on different objects, and express in different ways, they have a common attribute, that is, they reveal objective laws, they can help people solve problems, and the principles of shiology also need to have this attribute.
1.3 Reveal the objective principles of human shiance
Modern science is highly developed nowadays, but why don't humans live as long as mammals should? Humans, as intelligent humans famous for their large brain capacity, why are there 800 million people in the state of starvation? Why do 2 billion people get chronic diseases from eating? Why are billions of people at the risk of food insecurity? Why do social conflicts over food resources continue? As a link in the food chain, why should human beings interfere with the ecology more and more, so as to threaten their own survival and continuation? In the face of the above issues of the world and the times, can we build a harmonious world order that can last a hundred years or a thousand years? Only by revealing, mastering and utilizing the shiance principles can we solve these issues effectively and continuously.
The shiology principles in the field of eaters ' health include the principle of "food brain as the king”, “different people eat differently", "eating can cause disease", "eating can cure disease", and " five senses of aesthetics of dining". The above principles reveal the essential relationship between food, eating methods and individual survival and health. None of these principles may sound unfamiliar, but their value has never been seriously considered. By understanding these common viewpoints to the height of basic law of eating matter, grasping them to the height of eatology principles and using them actively and consciously, everyone's healthy life will be extended.
The principles of shiology in shiance order field include "shiance breeds civilization", "shiance triangle", "shiance priority", "shiance behavior follows food matrix and food conversion", and "shiance order is the basis of human social order".。These principles are the basic laws of human society and reveal the essential relationship between shiance and ecology, civilization and society. They are the major discoveries of human cognition of the objective world, and provide theoretical support for unraveling the problems of human civilization progress, social order and sustainable development. Following the above shiology principles is the cornerstone of human civilization and the foundation of human social order. Shiance order is the basis of social order. If these principles are not followed, the society will not be stable and civilization will not be sustainable.
The principles of shiology are different from the principles of physics, chemistry, mathematics and economics, and have three obvious characteristics. The first one is its popularity. The principles of shiology are not abstruse and difficult to understand. There are no abstract formulas or obscure terms. The contents of the principles of food are all around us, in our daily life. The principles of shiology are not strange, just like the description of a Chinese poem “we cannot make the true face, for we are lost in the heart of the very place”. The second one is its practicality. First of all, the principles of shiology can solve personal problems. The principles of shiology tell us that food can cause disease and can cure disease. Grasping the principles can achieve health and longevity through eating. Secondly, the principles of shiology can solve social problems. The principles of shiology deeply expound the essential relationship between shiance and civilization, and the application of its principles can promote the harmonious development of human society. The third is its survivability. The principles of shiology are not only related to the survival and health of each person, but also to the survival and development of the human population. Making good use of the principles of shiology can improve the quality of human life and support the sustainable development of human beings. Generally speaking, the principles of shiology are an important scientific discovery in the development process of human civilization.
2. Principles of shiology in the field of eaters’ health
Eater is defined as "people and humans from the perspective of eating ". Eating matter is a part of shiance, which is the behavior and result of people's intake of food. Eating matter is the basis of a person's survival, and the basis of health. Man cannot do without eating matter, without eating matter, there is no life. Eating matter determines people's survival, determines people's quality of life, and to a large extent determines people's health and longevity. Is there an inherent objective law between eating matter and human’s life? The answer is yes. So, where are these laws? History and experience tell us that people have never stopped exploring this field, but there is a lack of high-level generalization. Eating has two sides to health, eating can make people healthy and long lived, but also can cause diseases and death. Examining the history of human eating matter, if the objective law of eating matter is followed, people will be healthy and long lived. If the objective law of eating matter is violated, there will be health problems, such as the internal unbalance of the body and abnormal state of the body, and even disease.
Perhaps because of the complexity of individual differences, few people have explored the general rules in depth. In other words, the contents of the laws that have been expressed by predecessors have not attracted our attention, so that we see them every day and ignore them every day. Health is the eternal pursuit of human beings, and the principles of shiology in the field of eaters’ health are linked to the rise and fall of the health of 8 billion people and their families around the world. Understanding the two sides of eating matters, grasping the objective law of eating matters, you will grasp the initiative of your health.
As the relationships between shiance and eating matter, shiology and eatology are genera, the following five principles can be both called as the principles of eating matter and shiance; they also can be called both the shiology principles and eatology principles. They are the laws of survival, which are closely related to everyone's health and objectively regulate the health and longevity of each individual.
2.1 Principle of “food brain as the king”
The content of the principle of "food brain as the king" is that "food brain determines the survival and health of the body, the brain is developed in the process of serving the food brain The food brain commands the brain, and the brain cannot command the food brain. The relationship between them is monarch and the minister, and only the brain obeys the food brain can achieve health and longevity. Otherwise, it threatens health and survival." The principle of "food brain as the king" reveals the essential relationship between food brain and brain.
According to the Modern Chinese Dictionary, the “brain” is a part of the nervous system of human and higher animals. It is located in the cranial cavity and divided into cerebrum, cerebellum, and brainstem, which is in charge of whole-body perception, movement and thinking and memory activities. Food brain generally refers to the nerve plexus under the intestinal wall, located in the esophagus, stomach, small intestine and colon lining tissue. The food brain is also called the abdominal brain and intestinal brain. The food brain is named according to the mechanism, and the abdominal brain and intestinal brain are named according to the location. 
From the perspective of life, food brain is an intelligent system that transforms food, and brain is an intelligent system that directs behavior. The relationship between the food brain and the brain is the monarch and the minister. The food brain is the monarch and the brain is the minister. This relationship cannot be reversed. First of all, the food brain precedes the brain, and the birth of food brain can be traced back to the emergence of the true body cavity of annelids. The organs of the food conversion system were formed in the Cambrian period about 500 million years ago. The birth of the brain was marked by the appearance of the mammalian cerebral cortex about 200 million years ago. The time difference between food brain and brain formation is billions of years; Secondly, the brain evolved gradually in the process of meeting the needs of the food brain, and it served the food brain. All animals have a brain feed, and how to meet that demand and get food consistently is a very difficult task. All animals have developed brains, just in different sizes.
In the process of serving the food brain, humans found that crafty acquisition won over forcible seizure, so they went further and further in the direction of crafty acquisition, and went faster and faster, so that the brain capacity of humans far exceeded that of other animals. Therefore, the brain started from the demand of food brain, commanded by the demand of food brain, and formed in the behavior of seeking food. Today, the human brain is still the minister of the food brain, and the status of serving the food brain has not changed. The food brain maintains survival and is the basis of the existence of the brain. If the food brain exists, the brain exists; if the brain dies, the brain dies. On the contrary, if the food brain is dead, the food brain still exists, such as the vegetative patient.
In many cases, people do not eat according to their own gastrointestinal needs, but for a variety of social factors and reasons. For example, during festivals, weddings, funerals and gatherings of relatives and friends, people often eat a big meal and eat too much, without considering the feelings of the gastrointestinal tract, which is against the needs of the food brain. Over time, it will harm the health of the body. In many cases, we feel "hungry", in fact, it is not because of the needs of the stomach, but because of the greedy, which is the misleading of brain.
The brain commands the five organs of the human body to check the intake for the food brain. In the face of the magic master of chemical food additives, the five organs are often deceived by their superior magic, and the artificial synthetic food is taken as natural food and the fake and inferior food is taken as high-quality food into the body, which violates the operation mechanism of the food brain and endangers the health of human body. The principle of "food brain as the king" has been seriously ignored in the age of brain worship. People exaggerate the function of the brain and think that the brain can direct the food brain. In fact, it interferes with the food conversion system and harms the health of the body.
If you want to achieve health and longevity by eating, it is necessary to distinguish the relationship between the food brain and the brain, and adhere to the principle of "food brain as the king, brain and the five organs as the ministers". You can't put the horse before the horse, and you can't use the idea of "brain as the minister " to deal with the health problem of shiance. This kind of thinking violates the objective law, which will backfire and hurt your body.
2.2 Principle of “different people eat differently"
The principle of " different people eat differently " is that "each person's body condition is different and has been in change. Only by clearly recognizing their differences, according to the needs of their own body conditions at that time, choose the most suitable food and eating methods, can they achieve health through eating. If this principle is violated, people will become ill and their health will be threatened." The principle of " different people eat differently " reveals the essential relationship between individual health, food and eating methods.
The " different people eat differently " principle is about the coupling between food and the individual. There are 8 billion people in the world today [7], and each of them is a unique individual, and that individual changes every day and every hour. From the perspective of shiology, 8 billion people are 8 billion different food conversion systems, with 8 billion couplings to food. Recognizing the diversity of individual food needs and the variability of individual food needs before each meal is a prerequisite for the good health by eating.
The 8 billion people living in the world are not standard parts produced by one factory. In theory, 8 billion people need 8 billion "healthy eating plans". Everyone hopes to get a healthy eating plan suitable for themselves, but it is a pity that outsiders cannot design this plan, because only you know yourself best and you can only rely on yourself. The design of this health plan needs to follow the principle of "seven appropriates and two tests", that is, seven appropriate during dining and two test after dining. The “seven appropriates” mean that in the process of dining, we should consider whether it is suitable for our body from seven aspects such as quantity, type, temperature, speed, frequency, order, degree of raw and cooked food. The “two tests” refers to the observation of all kinds of excretions and body changes after dining to check whether the last meal is correct, thus forming a closed loop of dining and repeated experience to find the best coupling between oneself and food.
If you want to achieve health and longevity by eating, you can't follow what other people eat. You can't just rely on the group average of "6 grams of salt and 8 glasses of water a day" for guidance. For example, the water content of the adult human body is about 70%, and the water content of a person weighing 50 kg and a person weighing 75 kg is 35 kg and 52.5 kg respectively. The difference in body water content between the two is 17.5 kg. If each of us drink eight glasses of water a day, there would be people who would fall short and some people who would exceed what they really need. It can be seen that there is a gap between the group average and the actual individual demand. In order to reduce this gap, it is necessary to find the individual quasi-value. Industrial society advocates standards, and with a standard for all things, efficiency can be multiplied. Using a single standard for all people is wrong, and one standard cannot meet the needs of 8 billion individuals. In other words, in the matter of getting healthy through eating, relying on uniform standards and uniform quantities is not the best choice. Only by the principle “different people eat differently” can we achieve health and long-life span.
Due to the objective existence of individual differences, the cognitive paradigms of "to people" and "to things" are different. The cognitive system of "to people" must take individual differences as the premise and pursue individual quasi-values. The knowledge system thus formed should not be expressed by a standard data, but often adopts words like “appropriate, moderate and a few”, because only in this way can it be closer to the objective reality of countless individuals.
2.3 Principle of “Eating can cause disease"
The principle of "Eating can cause disease" states that "eating matter is a source of human disease. Improper food and improper eating methods can cause disease and threaten the health of the body. Eating right can prevent disease." The principle of "Eating can cause disease" reveals the essential relationship between eating matter and illness.
There are six main factors that lead to human diseases: genetics, environment, diet, temperature, exercise and mentality. Among them, genetics and environment are objective factors, while diet, temperature, exercise and mentality are subjective factors. Diet is an important aspect among the factors mentioned above. Diseases caused by eating are called eating diseases. This is a new concept that refers to the abnormal state of the body caused by improper food or improper eating methods, including diseases caused by food problems and diseases caused by eating methods. Naming diseases from the perspective of etiology has a positive significance for disease prevention compared with naming diseases from the perspective of symptoms in the past. It can point to the source of disease, so that patients are no longer at a loss in the face of disease, not only conducive to treatment, but also conducive to active prevention.
Eating diseases are mainly caused by six aspects, such as lack of food, overeating, dirty food, imbalanced dining, allergic food and anorexia. A chronic lack of food can lead to malnutrition; Eating more than the body needs is the root of many chronic diseases; The intake of unclean food will endanger the health of the body; Eating only one kind of food for a long time will lead to nutritional imbalance; The result of prolonged anorexia is also malnutrition; Food allergies are an inherent physical problem that can threaten the health of the body. Among the above six causes of diseases, the problem of "overeating" is relatively easy to be ignored. It is necessary to identify "overeating hurting the body" as a sub-principle of "eating can cause disease", which has a positive effect on coping with the problem of overeating of nearly 2 billion people in the world.
The principle of “overeating hurting the body” is that eating more food than your body needs for a long time can lead to illness. One of the main reasons for the prevalence of overeating is the "inertia of food deprivation behavior." The inertia of food deprivation traced back from the human nature of actively storing energy. The formation of the inertia of food deprivation behavior, to the human nature to actively store energy to begin with. In ancient times, humans found that most of the sweet fruits of plants were more nutritious, and found the mellow of cooked animals after fire was more resistant to hunger, and gradually formed a sweet and fragrant diet that actively stored energy. After millions of years of evolution, this habit has become an instinct written into the genes. Today, in the environment of abundant food, this nature of active energy storage leads to excessive calorie intake, but the loss of continuous hunger release scene, thus disrupting the body's mechanism and causing disease.
About health management, everyone knows the importance of "prevention first", but many people do not know where to start. Master the principle of "eating can cause disease", starting from the six disease causes, which are good tools for disease prevention. The value of the "eating can cause disease" principle lies in preventing the occurrence of diseases.
2.4 Principle of “Eating can cure disease"
The principle of "Eating can cure diseases" is that "eating is an important form of treating diseases. Using the digestive and absorption system to correct body imbalance is an ancient discovery and utilization, which can not only treat diseases caused by food, but also treat diseases by other causes." The principle of "eating can cure disease" reveals the essential relationship between eating and curing disease.
To clarify the principle of "Eating can cure disease", we must first clarify the connotation and extension of the concept of food. In the Modern Chinese Dictionary, food refers to "edible substances". Usually, in order to distinguish the different functions of food for hunger and disease treatment, people call food with disease treatment function as medicine (oral), and forget its food attributes for a long time. But in the body of knowledge of shiology, oral drugs are first and foremost regarded as food. This is because, from the point of view of the entry pathway and gastrointestinal digestion, the body does not treat it separately. According to the types of food, there are two aspects of using food to cure diseases, one is to use natural food to cure diseases, and the other is to use chemical synthetic food to cure diseases. Treating diseases with natural food is divided into treating diseases with food that feeds hunger and treating diseases with herbal food.
The principle of "eating can cure disease" includes two sub-principles: " to cure disease using the biased characteristics of food”, and " food and medicine have same effect". " To cure disease using the biased characteristics of food” to adjust the imbalance of the body to achieve the purpose of treating diseases." Modern people's cognition of food composition focuses on elements. In fact, before the invention of the microscope, people have had the recognition and utilization of the nature of food. Food nature is the original character of food. Food has characteristics, which can be divided into flatness and bias. Using biased characteristic of food to counterbalance biased characteristic of human body so as to prevent and treat diseases.
The function of “to cure disease using the biased characteristics of food” is manifested in three aspects: the first is to regulate the sub-balance of the body, inhibit the development of disease; The second one is to cure "eating diseases" and restore health; Thirdly, it can cure diseases resulted from other causes and restore health. The cognition and utilization of food bias is the wisdom accumulated by human beings for thousands of years, but it has not attracted enough attention. Treating diseases with natural foods has few side effects and low cost. The earlier of food bias cognition and the earlier of use, people can benefit from them earlier.
It is a common human behavior to treat diseases with biased food. Before the appearance of chemical synthetic food (oral medicine), people all over the world understood and grasped the role of food bias to varying degrees in the process of fighting against diseases, and used it to treat diseases. In this field, Chinese people have accumulated rich experience, revealed the objective law between food nature and disease, and formed a relatively complete knowledge system, which has the three elements of science. This knowledge system has not only contributed greatly to the development and continuation of the Chinese nation, but also played a positive role in human health.
In traditional Chinese culture, there is a view of " medicine and food are originated from same source ". I have also argued that food is the origin of medicine, emphasizing the sequence of food and drug discovery in early human life. In fact, there is another essential relationship between food and oral drugs that has been neglected, which is the "food and medicine are the same". As a sub-principle of "eating can cure diseases", " food and medicine are the same " means that "both food and oral drugs are ingested and act on the survival and health of the body through the gastrointestinal tract, and the body has no separate organ to deal with their partitions, and the operating mechanism of the two is essentially the same. In principle, both work by exploiting the relationship between food conversion systems and survival and health. Understand this, and choose the right foods, you will take fewer drugs.
The principle of "eating can cure disease" tells us that we should comprehensively understand the general law between food intake and physical health, detect the signs of disease early, grasp the basic order of curing disease by eating, firstly food to satisfy hunger, then herbal food and then synthetic food. The core criterion to measure the quality of medical treatment and a hospital is high curative effect and low cost, rather than anything else. Treating diseases by eating has the features.

2.5 Principle of “five senses of eating aesthetics "
The principle of " five senses of eating aesthetics " is that "eating is the five senses of aesthetics, which is perceived through taste, smell, touch, sight and hearing. It is an aesthetic process based on smell, taste and touch (oral), supplemented by sight and hearing. The aesthetic response to eating is binary, namely psychological response and physiological response, emphasizing the unity of delicious and healthy." The principle of "Five senses of Eating aesthetics " reveals the essential relationship between eating and aesthetics.
Painting and sculpture are visual aesthetic, music and song are auditory aesthetic, film and drama are audiovisual aesthetic. Only eating is an aesthetic form that requires taste, smell, touch, sight and hearing. The essence of the five senses of aesthetics is a 3+2 relationship. Taste, smell and touch are the core of eating aesthetics, while vision and hearing are the auxiliary of aesthetics, because blind people without vision and deaf people without hearing can still feel beauty and get healthy through eating. Eating aesthetics is also called food aesthetics.
Traditional aesthetic theory only acknowledges the aesthetic functions of sight and hearing, but does not include taste, smell and touch. In fact, the human aesthetic derives from taste rather than sight. The proposed principle of " five senses of eating aesthetics " reveals the objective law and breaks the imprisonment of traditional aesthetic theory. Human beings perceive the information of the outside world through the five senses, will produce pleasure or aversion experience, no matter you are rich or poor. The taste, smell, touch, shape, color and sound of food act on people's five senses at the same time, which is not possessed by other forms of aesthetics. It is a kind of full-sense art.
In real life, when people praise the artistry of a dish, they often talk about the visual effect, which is the inertia of visual aesthetic ruling the art world. In fact, there is a very big gap between the visual effect of dishes and the visual effect

of paintings and sculptures. It is a kind of prejudice and misdirection to evaluate the aesthetic activity of eating aesthetic with visual aesthetics, and it also goes against the objective law.
People who are proficient in eating aesthetics are called gourmets. Gourmets have two categories: creation and appreciation, which can be divided into five kinds of gourmets. People who are proficient in making culinary products are called culinary gourmets, also known as culinary artists; People who are proficient in making fermented products are fermentation gourmets, also known as fermentation artists; People who are proficient in food tasting are gourmets, also known as traditional gourmets; People who are both proficient in food tasting and able to get health are called modern gourmets, also known as health gourmets; People who know how to create food and appreciate food, and can get health through eating are great gourmets.
From the perspective of shiology, the first sign of a gourmet in the field of appreciation is to live longer and healthier than non- gourmets. Failing this, the non- gourmet is still alive while the gourmet dies prematurely, which can only be regarded as a professional "foodie". This kind of "foodie" is admirable in times of food shortage, but outdated in times of abundant food. Modern society needs to set up a new gourmet idol to lead people to eat healthy.
From the "two senses" to the "five senses", from the " unitary’ to ‘binary’, which is a complete revelation of the objective law of eating aesthetic and the complement and perfection of the traditional aesthetic theory, its greatest value is the unity of delicious and healthy, whose greatest value is the unity of delicious and healthy, so that everyone can enjoy food while living healthier, longer life.
3. Principles of shiology in the field of shiance order
Shiance is the basic activity of human society. Shiance not only determines the life and death of each individual, but also determines the rise and fall of human society, the harmony or conflict of human society, the continuation or cessation of human society. From the social point of view, do the shiance activities have internal running laws? The answer is yes. So, what are these laws? Looking back on the history of human developments, it can be seen that the period of peace and prosperity was when everything followed the objective laws of shiance. When everything went against the objective laws of shiance, it was a historical period with constant conflicts and wars. Perhaps because the shiance order is so common, few people deeply observe its internal objective laws. In other words, we lack a summary of previous observations and cognitions.
The principles in the field of shiology are related to the rise and fall of the world's population of 8 billion people. The following five principles may not sound esoteric, but they are the cornerstones of human civilization. Shiance order is the main body of social order, without the support of shiance order, all orders will fall apart. If we can build a shiance order that takes care of 8 billion people, the management effects of shiance issues can be maintained for hundreds of years and even thousands of years. People are born without the interferences of shiance issues and know that their children and grandchildren will not have shiance issues. At that time, conflicts in human society will be greatly reduced and human civilization will enter a brand-new era.
3.1 Principle of "shiance breeds civilization"
The principle of "shiance breeds civilization" is that "shiance precedes civilization, and shiance breeds civilization. Shiance is the foundation of civilization, shiance sustains the continuation of civilization. Improper shiance behaviors will threaten the continuation of civilization." The principle of " shiance breeds civilization " reveals the essential relationship between shiance and civilization.
Shiance is not only related to human survival and health, but also related to the origin and development of human civilization. The relationship between shiance and civilization has been neglected. The origin of human civilization has two stages, namely the stage of civilization elements and the stage of civilization society. The formation of civilization elements originated from the behavior of Homo sapiens to obtain food. Civilized society began with the domestication of food. Civilization comes from food, and shiance is the driving force of human civilization origin.
The six elements of civilization were formed between 10,000 and 5.5 million years ago. Wisdom, beauty, propriety, power, order and heirs all originated from the process of obtaining food. Shiance was the source of wisdom. In the early days of human beings, when they came from trees to the ground, they were weak in body. When faced with many threats from animals of greater weight, they had to rely on mass fighting, traps and cudgels to fight against them, which was the beginning of human wisdom. Making and using tools to obtain food has become the key to human wisdom; Beauty came from food. At the beginning of human being, there was no sense of beauty. Aesthetic feeling is human's favorable impression of the objective world. Man's earliest sense of beauty came from the taste of food, from the sweetness of the plant fruits and the fragrance of cooked animals; Propriety came from shiance. The core of propriety is humility. It must be food, rather than other things, that man first gave way to. Food is the beginning of human etiquette. Respect is an important content of etiquette. Giving food to others is the beginning of human etiquette. Respect is an important content of etiquette. Whether to worship people, heaven or God, food is indispensable; Power came from shiance. When you control food, you gain the respect and obedience, which is power. For example, Ding was originally used as eating utensils in China, but later evolved into a symbol of power, which proves this truth. An heir came from shiance. Flourishing population depends on food, and the survival of a community depends above all on a sustainable supply of food. No food, no inheritance, no descendants. Storing food for our children and grandchildren, storing food resources was the first issue of inheritance.
Civilized society emerged from the domestication of food 10,000 years ago.  The domestication of food allowed people to settle down and accumulate grain. Social division of labor and social strata emerged, as well as the appearance of cities, writing and bronze wares. The domestication of food was the beginning of human civilization.
Shiance is the core content of human civilization, which determines survival and life, everyone's quality of life, and the harmony and stability of social order. The expression of human civilization today is more colorful and unruly, and sometimes seems to stray far from the original intent of civilization. Shiance is the mainstay of human civilization, as it was in the past, as it is today. Without the sustenance of shiance, all forms of civilization would fall apart. Today's civilization is not the civilization of mankind as a whole, because there are still 800 million hungry people on the earth. A comprehensive and complete solution to the shiance issues is the primary symbol of human civilization as a whole.
Shiance is the cornerstone of continuous human civilization. On September 25, 2015, the United Nations Sustainable Development Summit was held in New York. The 193 member states of the United Nations formally adopted the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) [8] at the summit, aiming at thoroughly solving the development problems of social, economic and environmental dimensions in a comprehensive way, and shifting them to the path of sustainable development. Its primary goal is to end hunger in every corner of the world. Among the 17 goals, 12 are related to shiance, indicating that shiance issues are an important factor threatening sustainable development. On June 24, 2019, the World Shiology Forum issued the Awaji Island Declaration at the G20 Summit in Osaka, reaching four major consensuses on solving shiance issues, and the first of which is that "effective solution of shiance issues is a prerequisite for sustainable human development". How to deal with the relationship between shiance and civilization determines the future of human civilization.
3.2 Principle of "shiance triangle”
The principle of "Shiance Triangle" is that "the scope of human shiance is developed among the food maternal system, shiance behavior system and food conversion system. The shiance behavior system takes food from the maternal food system for use by the food conversion system, which excretes and eventually degrades food from the body back into the maternal food system. The resulting triangle reflects the boundaries of human shiance (As shown in Figure 1), and the whole picture of shiance cannot be formed by the absence of any part." The principle of "Shiance Triangle" reveals the essential relationship between human shiance and nature.
The "shiance triangle" elaborates the boundaries of human shiance activities and establishes the whole of human shiance activities, so as to get rid of the awkward situation of partial cognition of shiance activities in the past and provides theoretical support for the comprehensive cognition of shiance activities.

The "Shiance triangle" elaborates the boundaries of human shiance activities and establishes the whole of human shiance activities, to get rid of the awkward situation of partial cognition of shiance activities in the past and provides theoretical support for the comprehensive cognition of shiance issues.
The maternal food system is natural and formed about 65 million years ago. It is the source system of food, the ecosystem of food, and it is a "big system" shared by all mankind. The shiance behavior system is social. Shiance behavior system is a group of "layer system" from less to more, from small to large. Human shiance behavior is multilevel, from a person's shiance behavior system, a family's shiance behavior system, a group's shiance behavior system, to a country's shiance behavior system, and then to the global village's shiance behavior system. It's multi-tiered and includes multiple systems, there are 8 billion people in the world today, so there are 8 billion food conversion systems, which are "Microsystems."
As can be seen from the above, 8 billion food conversion systems share one food maternal system through the shiance behavior system. Although our individual, family, regional and national interests are different, we share the same interests when facing the food maternal system; Although our families, regions, countries and ethnic cultures are different, we have the same needs in the food maternal system. It can be said that human beings share one "food maternal system", which is the material foundation of the theory of "Community of shared future for mankind".
The Principle of Shiance Tringle reveals the basic running track of human survival, food acquisition and food utilization in nature, provides theoretical support for a comprehensive understanding of shiance and an overall solution to shiance issues.
3.3 Principle of “Shiance Priority”
The principle of "Shiance Priority" is that "Shiance has a long history and before other matters. Shiance is a matter of survival, so survival comes first, and life comes second. Only shiance comes first, the country is peaceful, and the people live a stable life. If other matters come first, there will be incoherence and confusion." The principle of "Shiance Priority" reveals the essential relationship between food and other things.
We need to put shiance first and other matters after it. Shiance is the first thing for human survival and should be given priority. If other matters come first, it will threaten the survival and sustainability of mankind. The other matters referred here include matter of clothing, housing, transportation, medicine, communications, finance, aerospace, military, and so on. From the long history of human development, the shiance emerged not only before all other matters, but also before civilization. Civilization originated from shiance, as well as all other matters. Shiance has a long history. Civilization emerged after shiance. Shiance came first, the other matters followed, which is an objective fact that has existed for a long time and cannot be changed and a persistent objective law that cannot be changed.
After entering industrial society, science and technology developed rapidly and satisfied human desires, while other matters also increased. Under the principle of business competition, it seems that there are many urgent things to be solved now, which are more urgent than shiance. Under the operating mechanism of this society, people often unconsciously make the decisions of putting “other matters first" and put shiance behind them, which is very dangerous. The consequence of putting “other matters first" is that the present problems are solved, but the problems of the future become more and more complex. In the long run and, the behavior putting “other matters first" will not only reduce the overall operating efficiency of the society, but also threaten the health of individuals and the sustainability of the population. The principle of "Shiance priority" summarizes the basic law of human social activities and is one of the important objective laws of human society. This principle summarizes the weight of important things in human behavior and reveals the objective law of sustainable development of human society.
In addition, the Shiance priority principle can be extended to some lemmas. For example, the principle of "Eating before medical treating" is that "shiance is the upstream of health management, while medical treating is the downstream of health management. Grasp the upstream management can achieve twice the result with half the effort, but grasping the downstream management is twice the effort can only achieve a half result.  Shiance is indispensable to medical management." This lemma reveals the essential relationship between shiance and matter of medicine. Clarifying the relationship between shiance and medical matters is the key to grasp the initiative of health management. Shiance is active health management and medicine is passive health management. Active health management has low cost and high efficiency, while passive health management has high cost and low efficiency, but the reality is very embarrassing. As far as health is mentioned, the first thing people think of is medical treatment or just medical treatment, as if health management is medical treatment. In fact, people cannot live without shiance from birth to death. Healthy people do not need medical care, but only need medical care after they get sick. Besides, shiance also has the function of curing diseases, so the importance of shiance is far greater than that of medical care in health management.
3.4 Principle of "Shiance behavior follows food matrix and food conversion”
The content of the principle of "Shiance behavior follows food matrix and food conversion " is that "human shiance behavior must follow the operating rules of the food conversion system in order to be healthy and long lived, and must follow the operating rules of the food maternal system in order to be sustainable. Human shiance behavior should not be capricious. Only by correcting improper behavior of human food in time can human beings survive better and develop sustainably.’’ The principle of " Shiance behavior follows food matrix and food conversion " reveals the essential relationship between human shiance behavior and natural mechanism.
Historically, Phanerozoic ecosystems formed around 540 million years ago, during which time there were five mass extinctions. Today's food maternal system was formed about 65 million years ago, the human food conversion system was formed about 25 million years ago, and the Homo sapiens shiance behavior system was formed about 5.5 million years ago. In other words, there is a big difference in the formation time of these three systems. The formation time of the human shiance system is more than 10 times later than that of the food maternal system and the food conversion system. Therefore, human food behavior cannot be capricious, and must accept the constraints from two aspects, one is to follow the objective laws of food conversion system constraints to maintain and improve the health and longevity of human individuals; Besides, the objective laws of food maternal system should be followed to maintain and prolong the continuation of human population.
Human beings are at the top of the biological chain. If the maternal food system is destroyed, it will be passed on step by step, which will accumulate and harm human beings. The food conversion system is the life system of everyone. If the operation mechanism of the food conversion system is violated, the life quality of people will be seriously decreased until the early end, and they will not be able to achieve health and longevity. Human eating behavior must follow these two operating mechanisms and cannot challenge these two operating mechanisms. Only by adapting to them and following them can each individual be healthy and the population sustainable.
Many human behaviors in the past 300 years have brought great pressure to the food maternal system, interfered with the operating mechanism of the food matrix, and brought a lot of harm to the food conversion system. Especially since the chemical synthetic substances entered the food chain, they have improved the efficiency of food production and the sensory effect of food but brought great threats to the food ecology and individual health. This is a classic case that challenges the principle of " Shiance behavior follows food matrix and food conversion ".
The principle of " Shiance behavior follows food matrix and food conversion” warns us that we should always reflect on our shiance behaviors and correct improper food behaviors in time. Only in this way can we improve the level of individual health and maintain the sustainable development of population.
3.5 Principle of "Shiance order is the basis of human social order".
The principle of “Shiance order is the basis of human social order" states that "human social order originates from the distribution of food and the possession of food resources. Shiance order is survival order and is earlier than social order. Shiance order is the foundation of social order. Without shiance order, all the other orders will collapse in an instant, and so will the civilization." The principle of "Shiance order is the basis of human social order " reveals the essential relationship between shiance and social order.
Shiance order is the manifestation of the organization, continuity, and efficiency of food system. Shiance order is the initial form of human order, the basis of all orders, and the premise of sustainable human development. According to the Global Food Crisis Report 2021 [9] released by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), at least 155 million people in the world is facing severe grain insecurity in 2020, the highest level in the past five years. Severe grain insecurity is defined as the immediate danger to human life or livelihoods due to the inability to have enough food. Due to conflict, COVID-19, extreme weather and other factors, severe grain insecurity issues have been intensifying globally in recent years. The conflict between Russia and Ukraine could push up to 1.7 billion people into poverty and hunger, more than one-fifth of the global population [10]. Food shortage is an important cause of social conflicts and disorder of shiance order is an important cause of social unrest. Without the harmony of shiance order, there can be no harmony of social order.
The principle of "Shiance order is the basis of human social order " reveals the basic law of the construction of human social order. Without rational distribution of food and reasonable possession of food resources, there is no harmonious shiance order. Without harmonious shiance order, there is no harmonious social order, and shiance order is the core content of social order. From a worldwide perspective, this relationship is grossly underestimated. Many of the conflicts that exist in the world today seem, on the surface, to have nothing to do with food, and seem to be a struggle for non-food resources. In fact, when you lift the veil, it is not difficult to find that the bottom of the competition is still food resources. To build a harmonious social order, the first thing is to build shiance order. Building a new order that takes care of the shiance welfare of 8 billion people is the basis for the evolution of the 21st century world order.
Revealing the objective principles is a very important link in the process of human cognition of the objective world and is the core of the three necessary conditions for constructing the scientific system. Conversely, the construction of knowledge system must reveal objective principles, and the knowledge system is immature without revealing objective principles. Revealing and grasping the objective principles is the only way to solve human problems. The more objective principles humans reveal, the better their ability to solve problems. If human behaviors go against objective principles, mistakes will occur, and human beings will face more problems and even perish. There is still a long way to go for human cognition of the objective world. There are still many cognitive dimensions that have not been opened and countless objective principles to be discovered. The ten shiology principles mentioned above are the cognitive achievements of a new dimension.
The survival and health of individuals cannot be separated from shiance. Revealing and grasping the shiance principles can improve the quality of life of individuals. The principle of “Body transformed from food” tells us that food determines life and death. The principle of "Different people eat differently" tells us to find the best coupling between the body and food. The principle of “eating can cause disease" tells us that we must prevent eating diseases, The principle of "eating can cure disease" tells us that diseases can be cured by eating. The principle of “Aesthetics of Five Senses” tells us that delicious and health should be unified. The above five principles all revolve around individual eating matters. If people can fully use these five principles, people will not get sick, reduce the chance of getting sick, but also can cure diseases by eating, so that your healthy life can be improved by 1-5 years can be realized. If everyone around the world learned to use these five principles, an additional one to five years of healthy life expectancy for 8 billion people could be achieved. At the same time, it can also save family medical expenses, reduce the burden of national medical insurance and save social medical resources. There is great value in these five easy-to-understand principles.
Shiance is the driving force of human civilization. Human civilization cannot do without food, which was yesterday, is today, and will be tomorrow. Food distribution and possession of food resources are the basis of social order. The principle of "Food breeds civilization" reveals the relationship between food and civilization; the principle of "Shiance triangle" emphasizes the cognition of the integrity of food and civilization; the principle of "Shiance priority" expounds the harm if other matters come first; the principle of " Shiance behavior follows food matrix and food conversion " warns us to correct improper food and affairs behavior in time; and the principle of " Shiance order is the basis of human social order " clarifies that shiance order is the foundation of all orders. These five principles all revolve around human civilization and order. If we can make full use of these five principles and make food resources in a bright and scientific way, the world shiance conflicts can be greatly reduced, and a world shiance order that takes care of the interests of 8 billion people can be built. With the new shiance order, the iteration of the overall social order will be driven by human civilization to a new level. The relationship between shiology principles and civilization has been underestimated.
As a knowledge system of shiance cognition, shiology takes finding objective principles of shiance as its mission. The above ten principles of shiology are the important contents of the scientific system of shiology. To understand these principles is the need of constructing the knowledge system of shiology, and to master these principles is the need of solving the shiance issues. Although the principles of shiology are not as profound as the principles of physics, not as rigorous as that of mathematical principles, but it is closely related to the health and longevity of 8 billion people, and it is closely related to the sustainable development of human society. From this point of view, shiology as a scientific principle, its social value is no less than that of other disciplines.
On the issue of food, human beings have four major consensuses: "Everyone needs food, people need food every day, people taking food for longevity, and people taking food for human breeding." From a survival perspective, everyone wants to live longer and healthier lives. From the perspective of the development of human civilization, there are constant conflicts in human society, the process of globalization of diversity is hindered, and the sustainable development of mankind is threatened. Facing these problems, man needs greater wisdom. Shiology has revealed the shiance principles that are necessary for human survival, constituted the basis of human civilization, and provided irreplaceable theoretical tools to solve the problems of human food acquisition, food health and social order. A comprehensive and thorough solution to the shiance issues of the world is the beginning of mankind's progress towards overall civilization.
Entering the 21st century, the differentiation and synthesis of modern sciences are parallel. Cognizing of the objective world by different disciplines also has shortcomings, because there are blanks and blind areas between the different disciplines. Therefore, cognizing of the objective world by different disciplines is a limited expression of human cognition. is not the end of human cognition of the objective world, but an inevitable process There are still many blind spots in human cognition of the objective world, and the road of human cognition of the objective world is still bumpy. The ability of human beings to reveal objective principles is limited, and human beings are always on the way to fully understand the objective world. The objective world is out there, whether human beings perceive it or not, and it is related to human survival, to the quality of human existence, and to the sustainable development of human beings. For what purpose does man reveal objective principles? It is to make human beings live better and longer in this objective world, not to destroy human beings. This original intention should not be forgotten. Today, due to the disordered competition within human beings, many scientific principles are maliciously and irrationally used, and the loss of control of science and technology has become a major threat to human survival.
Food determines life and life is paramount. Food supports life and creates all values. Food value is the basis of all values. Listen to the body's food demands and to achieve a long and healthy life by eating. Shiance breeds civilization, and civilization shines brightly. Shiance supports civilization to construct all orders, and shiance order is the foundation of all orders. Correct improper food behavior and realize sustainable development of civilization. Shiology principles change you and me, shiology principles change the world.
【Translated from Journal of Shanxi Agricultural University (Social Science Edition) No. 1, 2023)】
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